Dirty Rotten Imbecile

That’s about the most succinct summary I’ve seen yet of the fucked up economy our kids are inheriting.

I’ve got 8k miles on a Model 3 and this is exactly right. I don’t stop for gas OR to charge. I have three other gas cars still and, with the Tesla mixed in, I now put gas in a vehicle about every 6 weeks. There’s almost a novelty to it now. And I never worry if I have enough fuel in the tank when I leave my house in

Lots of things were outside of his control.... the war, the sanctions, his car...

hey, is this Max’s daddy? 

Unpopular opinion.

I just don’t get it. I know it’s a tired point, and became one years ago, but I still don’t understand the love for it. I’m not disappointed by their food whenever I go or anything, but man. It’s as over-loved as In-N-Out.

door handles that break because theyre frozen and some ape tugs on them like its their pecker and breaks it arent problems. theyre actively destroyed. a door handle that just decides fuck you i dont wanna and you have to pay a thousand bucks to fix it is very different.

Bloody-glove toting, slow-driving fugitives from justice drive Ford Broncos.

But enough about nightclubs...

That looks a lot like the plates people have to use after DUI violations around here.

For $10,500? A Cavalier? I don’t care it it’s a convertible. Hell, I wouldn’t care if it also included a modest vacation package to the glorious sunkist beaches of Puerto Rico valued at $5,500, while Vanna White herself flips the final letters as I solve “My wife is leaving me because I bought a Cavalier for $10,500.”

Is that how it works for gay marriage too?

We may need it.

He should have just complied.

The bomb squad:

I’m guessing it wasn’t a piece of Bienenstich 

They should only sell them to blues musicians.

It ain’t worth keeping unless it was Jon Voight’s LeBaron.