Dirty Rotten Imbecile

That depends.  Livery includes decals, whereas livery uses decals.


I’d totally watch a show where you solved auto-related mysteries. Call it Encyclopedia Brown Manual Wagon.

Dammit, Bret, you leave them out of this!

The track maintenance crews don’t magically disappear if you drive a diesel, you nincompoop. The train is a refurbished 1940s antique, which otherwise I can only assume would go into a museum to sit and contribute nothing (wasting the carbon released in its production). On top of its actual job as a transport, it also

This solar-powered train is definitely on the right track.

I mean, you could literally say that about anything bad Trump does, couldn’t you.

What they should do is start their own branded hip replacement clinics and line of homecare equipment. HD branded oxygen and dialysis machines should be a huge hit and fit right in with their ‘lifestyle’ image.

Problem is they’ll eventually pull out of the US market altogether. We’ll stop seeing old dentists riding their extra LOUD exhaust bikes through the neighborhoods.

This is just typical “circular firing squad” bullshit. Taylor Swift’s work will result in a net positive, so people should just shut the fuck up.

it’s a cartoonish version of the Westboro Baptist Church.

Ahh...so when you said “suspects,” plural, what you meant was, this particular site, singular. And when you said “usual suspects” what you meant wasn’t “people who have displayed the particular behavior I am describing in the past” but.... “speculation that people will make this insane argument, even though no one,

Men of previous generations, at least truck buyers, tended be more secure abut their masculinity and didn’t feel the need to butch up with an aggressive truck.

John thought he could Say Anything, but it turns out this is gonna be One Crazy Summer for him and he’s soon gonna believe he’s Better Off Dead....

Made for the following people in their entirety:
You, Me

Right-Wing Nutjob Aborts Full-Term Baby in Public

If the sleeves were shorter you’d see that the Queen has bigger hands.

He’s been shopping at Thornton Melon for years. Too late to change now.