Dirty Rotten Imbecile

Know your enemy.

Why bother painting the crash test car?

Steve Doocy, why you gotta be so mean?

Remember to never attend an oyster shucking competition in a month that doesn’t end in ‘r’.

Given Hammond’s predilection for crashing every vehicle in sight a deserted island is probably the safest place for him.

It wont happen.  The right HATES deficits. I remember hearing all about it 2008 - 2016.

Shortly after driving home from the hospital after my son was born my Honda  S2000 turned into an Odyssey.  Its truly been a head-scratcher.  

Of course he would make it about Race.

The right wing noise machine will connect his death to Hillary.

Mitch will just wait out this news cycle and go back to doing what he does best, nothing good.

North Dallas 40 would like a word.

Serious question as I’ve only seen the word in print.

He doesn’t have much of a libido anyway as he’s Afcsexual.

More like screed of the day.

Shave, shower, shit is the correct order.  Game changer

You can’t unsee that dead body. What a fucked up hobby.  

As a married man I too have a body ‘Which is Not Today on the Market’. What I’m getting at is this is not always a good thing.

Thats obviously LeBron, note the Jersey? FAKE NEWS!

This must’ve been the impetus for Kanye going Trumper 

Not to mention thats a looooong way to go without having any serious collisions.