Dirty Rotten Imbecile

Executive Force - He’s the CEO, Chief Executioner Operative

Pistols at dawn! This would halve the problem.  

He IS shady!

What do you expect? He enabled Cliff and Norm for years.

Mr. Tracy is far from dumb, he just makes interesting choices which he documents for our enjoyment.

Theyre going to be sorry when that car charges the mound.

It's a good thing these militia members dont inundate themselves with media which demonizes immigrants and people of color because that would be a recipe for disaster!

Justins mama doesnt like Laura Ingraham, and she likes everyone.

Yeah, but hes OUR loon!

It takes courage to admit being a Bengals/reds fan. I myself am still in the closet. 

Has anyone driven this model with a manual? My ex had a TJ with a manual and that thing was a PITA to drive in the city. It was geared like a work truck, first felt like a granny gear, the throws were extremely long, lots of clutch travel. I’d, gasp, prefer an auto. Don’t judge!

Conservatives love to rail against the notion of a billionaire influencing democracy when its Soros. Meanwhile they somehow seem to have no fucking clue who the Koch brothers are.

Not to mention the fact the show gave Hans and Franz a platform to body shame so many people...

Who did he have sign his permission slip? I’m thinking Putin, or maybe Steven Miller.

Blue Lives Splatter

I can't believe it ended that way either, with an actual wrestling move!

Look on the bright side, hes only giving up a home run to every ninth batter.

Exactly! Blaming people of color and Spanish speakers for all of Americas ills is not just in his political playbook, its the entire thing.

Read the headline

Coach K is also a Bob Knight desciple, he’s just gotten better over the years at hiding his rage.