1984 Chrysler Voyager

“When the going gets fishy, it’s time to take a swim.”

Explain yourself!

Paul Krugman says otherwise.

All of that is because of GOP obstruction and dragging there feet. Obama is exactly what every prez should be like.

Most trans I know are straight edge and don’t do drugs.

I don’t agree with that. Also August West is the guy in Whart Rat. Did you know that?

Well, most people seem to think he did a great job. I certainly do.

Good! I love kids. Don’t you?

Right. Hillary and McCain didn’t want that stuff so what’s your point?

That feedback loop got a lot of people a lot of jobs. So what are you talking about? Need specifics.

Ok. What? There is no war on terror in Africa.

Link looks fishy.

No it isn’t. And NYC was better back then now that it’s impossible to afford and only billionaires do. Cities were at least real and not just shopping malls.

I sold all of my 401k after Trump won because Krugman said everything would crash and I’ll never forgive him for that. It cost me a lot of money I’ll never get back.

Hi August West. Well we need banks, so he did the best he could with the situation that was literally handed to him by George Bush. It was Bush’s fault, not Obama’s, and a lot of people forget that.

“He expanded it” - No, he didn’t expand it. He made it smaller by closing the Iraq War and bringing our boys home.

The 70s had great music and people were actually against pointless wars (Vietnam) so I would say start with the 80s. 60s were also good and so were parts of the 90s.


2020 election is gonna be won or lost on healthcare. Time to get serious. Europe, Canada, and other countries all have single payer. Most Americans opposed to single payer are from Europe or Canada. We need to make them connect those dots.
