1984 Chrysler Voyager


Ok so this is a lot of stuff to unpack but I’ll try. I’m not like super researched on a lot of this stuff but there are def experts that would disagree with what your saying and literally have a field day with you but for now you’ve just got me so here goes nothing:

Haha what?

Haha what?

No it isn’t.

He was the most consequential president since basically ever. He ended the Iraq War, started the Iran Deal, took the first step in doing healthcare, promoted equality more then anyone else, fought climate change in earnest, decreased lobbying in DC, and made America the envy of the world. Everyone loved us with Obama.



I don’t get why everyone throws Obama under the bus so much. Even democrats do it. 

Haha gotta get her off the Faux immediately.

Broads? Uhh... what? The hell.

I actually watch a lot of cable news so I think I’m informed enough to say it.

Not sure how you can dislike Evans for speaking truth to power. He’s Cap’n America more than the president these days. 

I think this is what a lot of people don’t understand. The refugees coming to Europe from Africa literally are climate refugees. Do they want to leave their houses, homes, and neighborhoods? No. But they have to because it’s getting to hot to survive. They are climate refugees.

Impeachment can lead to prison if the charges are serious enough. Just hasn’t happened... yet.

They don’t need government regulations, they just need to follow there own rules and get rid of intolerant people.


Pelosi should be more left, but also remember that we need votes. Those votes tend to come from people who are kind of in the middle. That’s why she does what she does sometimes.

Well yeah but nobodies perfect all the time. They’re usually pretty good.