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Someone REALLY needs to bring back the "Fat Kid" or "Fat Boy" zombie maps from Halo 3. For those who don't know, these were maps that forced all the Spartan players along a specific path, with various roadblocks that required them to punch/slice/shoot objects until there was enough roof to squeeze through. All of this


And a hand crank ignition!

Yeah! And it needs a carburetor too!

For once, you've posted what is actualy not a bad idea.

I take umbrage at your suggestion that squirrels are jerks! That, sir, I cannot abide! Squirrels are fluffy critters of materialized cuteness and you should be ashamed of yourself—nay—appalled by your denigration of the Maker's most beautiful animals.

I live my franchise a quarter century at a time. For those ten movies or less, I'm free.

Bees make great bon fires.

I know these "let's just put an iPad on the dash" infotainment screens did well in Mercedes' focus groups, but I really feel like they let down an otherwise beautifully flowing interior.

my favorite photo was sadly left out of this review. see if you can figure out why it's my favorite

"Well, you could have bought me one if you had a real job like a doctor or a lawyer."

That's the first interesting thing that has ever happened in a Lexus.

That thing looks good! The front reminds me of a Zenki though, which isn't a bad thing.

The Curren was the replacement for the Corona Coupe, which was also based a Celica (the T160). Both were only available as coupes. The hatchback body style was exclusive to the Celica. Neither were available with turbo engines, if I remember correctly.

Did you know that Toyota made a Japanese only version of the 6th generation celica? It had the same engines but I different front end and some models even had 4 wheel steering. It was called the curren

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