Awesome story! This kid needs to get on so he can modify his Celica and have some more fun with it.
Awesome story! This kid needs to get on so he can modify his Celica and have some more fun with it.
Disagree on sunshades. Go to AutoAnything, get a custom fit one for your car and you’ll be satisfied. It’s much better than the crappy autozone ones.
Another exception is Toyota Tacoma’s and 4Runners. The difference between new and used is only a couple grand.
No low ballers he knows what he has!
Definitely in the ball park for something like this. NP.
Oh my god, you’re my favorite.
Is this anything like Lego island?
Give the celica a good ole engine swap and it’s much more livly.
Very nice car man. I totally understand where your coming from. I’ve spent several thousand on my celica turning it into what I want to. Some people won’t understand but I get you. I’m glad to see someone else with love for celicas.
Who doesn’t? I mean damn look at him.
Oh my god! What’s wrong with your face?
Guess you’re not an Alfa man.
You’ll regret the 4c every day but you will also love it every day. That is the experience of owning an Alfa Romeo.
Kelly is probably on the crack pipe......
I bet before the crash he said “watch this!”
Probably scared to do so and what not.