Toyota_Century in Kamakura

so Volvo?

I’d be more worried about one of these outside my tent...

Lackluster V6? Have you ever driven one?

ATS-V’s problem isn’t the engine, it’s that interior. You have its Chevrolet platform mate beat it out in refinement.

Cadillac first needs to make great cars. Sure, their current offerings are mostly competitive with their German rivals, but it’s never good enough for the underdog to be only “as good as”.

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted. - Assassin’s Creed

Show me a 918 with these on it now.

with the price of those things? id say its mostly a sheikh problem

Here’s your Bugatti:

You haven’t been following NPOCP long, have you?

The price is about $10K too high. Bentleys depreciate much faster than RRs.

I know it’s 10x more expensive than anyone’s car who is voting in this, but it is a very average asking price for this model. It is a nice price as long as nothing is wrong with it. The price is nice or not totally dependent on whether or not this kind of car totes your goats.

If you’re going to go Bentley.... Go for gusto. TURBO R OR BUST.

black people who kill each other are generally prosecuted, people give more of a fuck about killings with no consequence

Hey look at this guy with the pink guitar!

I’m far from an Apple fan in general, but Apple without Steve Jobs seems to be a lot like Top Gear without Clarkson: It’s still there, and it’s not horrible - but the “magic” seems to be lost.

You have tens of billions of dollars in profits made in foreign countries by your foreign subsidiaries that already pay foreign taxes. 

Now we just need Samsung to buy Ferrari and we’re set...