Rejoice, rich people yearning for first-generation Range Rovers! Land Rover’s new “Range Rover Reborn” program means…
Rejoice, rich people yearning for first-generation Range Rovers! Land Rover’s new “Range Rover Reborn” program means…
You fucking dumbass, no Navy unit serves a president (aside from that president being a US citizen like any other US citizen). We’re not in Chile or the Philippines or Thailand.
Why? Is the American flag not good enough for them anymore?
Hell is exactly where Dodge interiors are designed and built
Jesus Christ we’re not still pushing the “Russians hacked the election” narrative are we? Everyone acknowledges now that that’s not a true claim, how can you still report that???
I’m a Proud Southern Conservative White Guy(TM), but f*ck stereotypes all around. I just wrote my Congresspeople (all Republicans) urging them to stall Trump as much as possible, if not outright oppose him. If you want to reform immigration, great! But if you want to be an authoritarian asshole to everyone as part of…
Dale Jr. is a good man and is not representative of the NASCAR stereotype. He’s a lot more open-minded than he’s allowed to show, sadly.
They’d have to give it to me, then I’d sell it and use the money to buy an Accord.
I know a previous employee of the EPA and they have said that this is absolutely normal every election cycle, and that the media are being goaded into articles like the one above.
Happy tuesday.
It takes a few hard hits to get an LS400 into sub-$2k territory.
Who the hell is running Faraday Future? Sean Spicer?
If Faraday Future was a car company, this would mean something.
Still accurate. Haha.
I think it bears mentioning that there was plenty of bipartisan opposition to the TPP being thrown around during the election season, to the point that former Secretary Clinton had to walk back her staunch support of the TPP while she was SoS to a position of complete opposition.
I oversee a small police vehicle fleet (local LE, not HWP). Some become worn out at 40K miles and most local/state LE outsource maintenance plans (ARI anyone?). If they are retired, they are dogs. If you can find a manufacturer “sample/demo”... maybe. After they remove the radios/console, they can really screw up the…
Wait...for decades of combustion-powered automobiles, 0-60 times were everything. It’s the primary stat the entire automotive publishing industry was built upon. But with battery-powered cars we’re now suddenly not supposed to care?
The 2018 Ford Mustang’s newly-revealed facelift has stirred up some disagreements here at Jalopnik’s lovely HQ on…
I understand the difference, but he’s right. What I fail to see is why there is so much cross-posting when I’m scrolling through the Jalopnik site. I come to Jalopnik for car related posts, not car and military ones, and certainly not military related posts that have absolutely nothing to do with cars at all.