Toyota_Century in Kamakura

I’m looking for an Ecoboost Interceptor to replace my Civic. Any pointers on what to look out for? thanks

maybe its you that has a NASCAR “stereotype” plenty of well educated, metropolitan people on the “coasts” are absolutely fine with Trump.


Too soon.

all I want is a nice Taurus Ecoboost...

Take those Trump stickers off and you can lose another .250 second.

Kill it with fire.

pretty petty.

Middle Class Elites.

total shit show. only needs to drive 20 miles a week? but is willing to throw money out the window with depreciation of a 60k luxury car?

Save your money Katy.


when you start acting like Nazis, thinking like Nazis...then maybe you are?

Why only one shot of this? I mean c’mon give us a gallery.

Where are all the pics and galleries from the auto show? What link am I missing?  

Your being what? American hegemony is the issue.

Dropping like a rock as usual?

US politicans cannot join the VW board, but they can sure join the Wall St and Bank Boards.

Jesus Jalopnik, where is the news on the new Honda Odyssey?