1968 Falcon - 270,400 miles and still rusting

I was going to comment “cool, more Texans contributing to the mountain town housing crisis by owning a house that sits empty for 93% of the year.”

Well dang. I haven’t watched his stuff in a long time, but it’s still a shame to learn that he’s a nut.

Doing this job on my Falcon was hellish for similar reasons, but god, at least the nut on the other end of the bolt was accessible.

You know, somehow I managed to not drive 40 mph down a partly frozen river when I was younger. Being young is a reasonable excuse for questionable decision making, not being fucking insane.

I live right next to this section of I-70. Trucks catch fire from their brakes or loose their brakes all the time here, and its very very rarely random equipment failure. 99% of the time it’s idiot truck drivers who don’t know how to drive in the mountains but choose to drive through here anyway endangering everyone’s

Honestly most of this Valiant looks pretty decent. You wouldn’t want it to get worse past the point of being savable.

“But... why? It’s not that unique.”

The Roxor stands out because its engineering more closely resembles a shrunken truck than a bloated go-cart like other side-by-sides. It just seems like a much sturdier vehicle, with 80 years of engineering proof behind its design.

Climate is only a part of it though, local regulations are what really weeds out the old cars. I live in the Rocky Mountains, which is climatically just as harsh or harsher than anywhere in Germany that I know of, and in my small town I’d guess a full quarter of the cars on the road are from the 80s and 90s still. I

Wait you’re not allowed to drive a car from 1999 anymore? Like just in the city center or in general?

I don’t blame the guy for anything he did at all. If someone hits my car intentionally, and then spits on me, all objective reasoning is out the window. I’d be punching and throwing things and trying to put her head through her window. Don’t forget she’s spitting on him during what is still a global pandemic, getting

I wasn’t saying those were the exact same groups of people. I was more thinking of all the people coming here from NY right now when I typed that.

Why are you always such a dick to the readers here? I see you’ve deleted the non-standard phrase you used in the story (“toyed over”?) without any reduction of the passive agressiveness you directed at the commenter who was confused by it.

How long does someone need to live here for them to count as “in state” rather than “tourist” though? There are local dipshits too, but a lot of the idiots trashing stuff with Colorado plates are still actually from places like Florida or (ugh) Texas - I’ve asked them. A big problem is people who weren’t raised

Your expectations for parts availability in the future are too optimistic. When these cars are vintage 95% of them will have broken screens, and there will be no replacement available. I can’t even buy radio knobs or the clips to hold trim on for my Falcon, and Falcons were one of the most common cars in the 60s.

Maybe the sealed beams available were shittier then, but I’ve had the same two installed in my car for like 9 years now. I think they were like $12 each because they’re halogen. They’re not that crappy.

I really don’t understand the North East’s obsession with salting the crap out of everything. I’m convinced it’s some sort of conspiracy with “Big Salt” and auto companies wanting to sell more cars. I live in a town in the Rockies where it’s still snowing right now and we don’t salt. The result is that a huge number

I’m just here to pointlessly argue that “turn of the century” = 1900 and “new millennium” = 2000.

What? You basically just said the only reason it drove dangerously is because there was traffic. If an “autopilot” for cars cannot avoid other traffic safely it is not safe. That’s like saying “the boat would have been safe if there wasn’t water to sink in.” Water is an expected part of boating just as much as traffic

Left turns are an expected part of driving, if autopilot cannot handle even a left turn safely there is no way it’s safer overall than anything other than a drunk driver.