190 lb. weakling

He Tuukka few punches, but that Rask decision will pay off.

Root for a successful recovery and a quick free agency.

I would guess that there’s a rule preventing that sort of thing. Can’t kill off the entire NCAA with one player, you know?

“Free Marlins tickets for life” sounds like the middle of a suicide note.

Probably won’t push past all the coke sludge, so it’s fine.

Ouch. I’m sorry you got the job this way, but congratulations on the new role.

It takes longer than you would thing. I can usually convert words to other words in a formulaic manner, but there’s some context clues for some of the words and then the nuance of the language.

That’s okay, they just won 1986.

As a Twins fan, I cannot star your comment enough.

This should be cross-posted in Lifehacker, because Sam Bradford has everything to teach us.

Based on this thread, Emmitt Smith has a metric shitton of burners.

There’s already a team in Memphis, though.

My work here is done.

You have wounded my fragile ego.

I thought I’d hallucinated Steak-Ums.

“He has a job and pays rent.”

You could just move.

Thank you for your service?


Yeah, but as a teacher, it’s knowledge that I can share.