17 Seconds

Heck, even my dad has been looking at the Flex recently as an alternative to buying a pickup truck.” I too considered this. The downside is that the seats aren’t removable like a minivan, so you’d need to unbolt and remove the seats completely, or everything has to go on top of the folded 2nd and 3rd row seats.

Had the MKT. Basically the Flex’s fancy cousin from the City.

The same could be said about the Honda Element, and BONUS it wasn’t a Ford.

And none of that sissy cowardly “let’s go brandon” kind of crap.

can’t wait to slap these dumbass stickers all over price tags when shit like eggs start costing $14 per carton and gas is $29 per gallon while the various CEO’s of major industries continue to rake in the dough.

We had to listen to Fuck Joe Biden for four years, now it’s time to confidently and deservedly move forward with Fuck Donald Trump, loudly and frequently, until he’s gone.

Trump’s lies killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. The level of stupidity is jaw dropping.

I just leased a plug in hybrid because $7,500 off the top of the lease and other incentives made it affordable. Leasing is something I never would have considered without these price cuts. Thanks Joe Biden.

And now we wait for the cry-babies in cars who’d rather block you than allow lane-splitting.

The idea is that at about 40 mph, you stop splitting lanes and just go with the flow. As the cars slow down below this, they become kind of locked into their lanes. As they pack in, you can start sliding between them with little chance of getting side swiped. With everything, good judgment and caution is needed. I see

Technically lane filtering is now legal in Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and Montana. Several other states don’t explicitly forbid the practice, but it’s at the discretion of local law enforcement.

I love how people who have zero experience riding a motorcycle in a city like Angeles feel like they are experts about what is safe etc. You know nothing Jon Snow. Having lived in LA for almost 40 years and using a motorcycle as my primary vehicle I feel like I may have a better view of the topic. Obviously being in

All these guys commenting about “organ donors” and it is too dangerous to lane split, probably never rode a motorcycle in their life. Jealousy is big amongst cage drivers.

You know what? You’re totally right. I ride motorcycles and I’ve died at least seven times since March.

I agree, but you’re wasting your breath here. Most of these jabronis think anytime you even sit on a motorcycle you’re asking for death. Hate to break it to you weirdos, but lane splitting with a 30mph speed differential is not a death sentence. Being a responsible rider goes a long way.

As a motorcycle rider for 40 years, I’m totally on board with your proposals. However the reality is that most people are too afraid, and lack the skill and confidence to become good motorcycle riders.  Almost anyone can drive a car, but riding a motorcycle takes much more skill.

I lived in LA for 13 years, lane splitting every day, Monday-Friday to get across the city, and I didn’t die a single time. I did have a few incidents with Prius drivers, but I lived to tell the tale every time. And it did indeed cut my commute in half. I would never had been able to live there and keep my sanity if

*Citation needed.

Now we just need to make lane splitting legal in the other 49 states, just like it is in most of the world.


signed, Every Motorcyclist