17 Seconds

I had one as a second car. I sold it and my primary car and got a 5th gen for a primary car. I sold the 5th gen after six months because it was too damn big for my needs.

The 3rd gen was such a great size.

In the suburbs of my large metropolitan area the off-road trim seems to be mandatory for trips to Target.

NOT looking forward to the new GTI because no manual transmission.

“I’m not a Trump fan but eggs are 20 cents more expensive so I’m going to vote for a fascist.” 

Sadly, fine Corintian leather will be hit with tariffs. 

THAT is the amount of glass I like to see in a car.

MB Tex is the best. It was on the bolsters of my Mercedes that I had for 13 years. Zero wear. 

I had a 2005 C230 Kompressor. It was such a great looking car and solid as hell. I sold it to friends and they still love it. I miss that car.

Humans gonna human.

Cry-babies is a kind word for those losers.

There is no doubt that cars are safer than motorcycles but the statistics never factor in the motorcyclists who are riding like manics, the Harley guys with ape-hanger handlebars who have limited control of their machines, the guys riding home at midnight after “a couple of beers” etc.

I came so close to buying one of these but the extra Hp in the GTI made me go with my MK7.5. I love my GTI but still long for an Alltrack every time I see one.

Those NT650s (Honda Hawk) were great bikes. I owned a couple VFRs (one of the best bikes ever) and a CB-1. Damn Honda had it going on.

Yup, Biden should use his Presidential immunity to save what’s left.

Fake engine noises. Technically real engine noise is just a by-product of what the car is supposed to do. I love speed without noise. 

So companies will just raise the MSRP.

Cool car but I don’t know that I would want to brag that I was willing to pay more than anyone else in the country for it. 

Damn you for not selling it to me. Damn you.