Those items make me distrust an otherwise great car.
Those items make me distrust an otherwise great car.
$820 Billion... that’s pretty much what we spend on the military each year and I’d hate to think how much of that goes to “consultants”.
As we move to electric cars with crazy torque and acceleration crashes like this will become more common whether people are intoxicated or not.
Probably a decision made by the same braintrust that thought that haptic controls would be a good idea in the new GTI.
A GTI wagon would have sold even better. I was so split between a GTI and an All Track. I often regret not getting an All Track (just like I would regret not getting a GTI if I had gone the other way).
Even though it is in no way a performance car it would be so much cooler with a stick.
If there is a meatless product that matches the original it is veggie sausage. In fact it is better because it is less greasy and you never get mystery hard or chewy bits.
Example number 2,738,295 of why cloth seats (or good vinyl like MB-Tex) is better than leather.
Actually driven one. When they were new. I was a kid and even then I realized it was a POS.
Horrible little cars in every way.
I hate that trucks are getting bigger but kudos to Toyota for all the manuals. Now you Jalops better effing buy the manuals!
This is literally a car I would feel guilty about giving to someone.
I always wonder about wrapping a car so soon after the initial paint application. If the paint or clearcoat hasn’t cured completely I would think there could be a chance of some crazy damage if the wrap is peeled off.
And you can be sure that these douchebag tow operators bitch about being overcharged for anything in their personal lives.
My ex did this. Having 19" wheels while living in this potholed city made it an easy decision.
Seriously. If I had to put $9000 into a Porsche with under 100K miles I would be pissed.
12 mpg?! And I thought the 18 mpg that I got in my 4Runner sucked.
Man, that guy IS rich. No wonder he is Trump’s hero/daddy.
You ARE their demographic.