
Dude, the episode has Ash acquiring a “Z-ring”.

Barsoom? John Carter is that you?

Playing on Xbone here, guess I’m somewhat fortunate in that I really haven’t experienced too many bugs as of yet.

My name is Ash so...

To not play an essentially universally lauded game one has never before experienced due to a new embargo policy that in no way prevents them from enjoying said game...

I’m personally unaware of any updates made to the existing Assassins Creed entries, save the as yet unreleased Ezio collection.

Let’s be reasonable here, that’s just not a plausible theory.

Wait.... they have wristband/watches now?

What I really wanna know is why CDPR decided to completely change Vimme Vivaldi’s character model?

Though I have indeed heard of this franchise, I admittedly know absolutely nothing about it.

Pretty sure we’re looking at Holiday 2018 at best for KH3.

Damn your infallible logic, sir!

I’m sure the loss of your business will be a heart wrenching gut punch for them. My condolences to Nintendo for losing out on a truly imperative revenue source.

Isn’t it possible that refers simply to adverts and not micro transactions?

In plain English, that isn’t even remotely correct.

Yeah, it does suck because I’ve heard great things about Knights.

Both games are based off of procedural generation technology and, no offense, but NMS has been compared to Spore from day one of it’s official announcement(at least from a technological standpoint, although in my opinion certainly from a hype perspective as well) so that really isn’t that revolutionary of a

Just waiting on that Peter Molyneux/Sean Murray collab. The ultimate revolutionary on paper undeliverable in execution game of our time it would be.

I tried to like Knights but the animation style never fails to give me a massive headache.

They pulled it from Netflix unfortunately, and not too long ago if my memory serves. Sucks because it really is the quintessential way to watch the show.