
Yup, it’s because of the temporal reconstruction tech they implemented. It basically uses four 720p frames reconstructed into a single 1080p frame. It’s not too dissimilar from the checkerboard 4k technique that Sony uses for the PS4 Pro. It results in a much softer image than you would get at true native resolution.

I do indeed seem to have used the wrong word there but my meaning was quite clear and a two letter typo doesn't make it any less correct.

You don’t need to clarify that you can’t read or write after using a word to describe yourself the definition of which is literally the inability to read or write. That’s just redundant. You’re a bit dim in general, eh?

They just asked if you are able to understand people that take anything competitively and you say nope lmfao

She’s not biracial. Both of her parents are African American, according to the wiki. There’s also that family photo in the beginning of the game, pretty sure mom was just light skinned.

There you go again, necroing the shit out of a dead post.

There you go again, necroing the shit out of a dead post.

Your level of rage honestly seems highly disproportionate to the situation. I think you may need professional assistance organizing and dealing with your misdirected emotions, friend. Your response to my simple and harmless correction of your ignorance was immediately hostile. Quite telling of your general dispostion.

You do seem to have an extremely firm grasp on speaking it, I'll give you credit there. Must come from all the experience you have in being one.

It wasn’t a typo and you know that just as well as everybody else who read your comment does.


Even worse.

Oh, I wouldn’t put it past them to require you to download their bethesda launcher and provide some choice personal information in order to claim this.

My uncle works at Nintendo. I can confirm it will be coming to the West.

Looks like they were going for a Rocket Raccoon thing. Didn't work out.

You’re about 4 days late to the party, ya fuckin’ stick in the mud.

Lmao “It’s still perfect game!”

Remember, remember the 14th of November, the canvas bag treason and plot.

Lol you’re a regular old ray of fucking sunshine aren’t ya?

Considering the fact that quite a few weapons don’t become available for purchase until well after chapter 3, I call bullshit.

I was playing last night and for some reason it seemingly dropped me in my own server, as for 3 entire hours I was completely alone on the map. It was glorious, grief free progression for that holy trinity of a time slot.