
I’ve always found Sgt. Frog to be both timeless as well as increasingly enjoyable with each rewatch.

It helps to know about publishing processes before making statements like this, I’d wager. You do seem a bit like a glass half empty kinda guy, no offense, so I suppose it isnt too entirely surprising.

Fair enough, the well composed response is most certainly appreciated especially given your condition. A speedy recovery to you!

What about DooM made it, in your opinion, not great?

Unfortunately in lieu of an answer to your question I have a query for you myself. Why in the world do you pre-order games? Please people, stop pre-ordering games. It’s a huge part of the reason broken messes are allowed to launch before they are ready.

No reason for apologies. If I offended then I am indeed the sorry one. Your English is actually quite good, especially for it being a second language.

Are you drunk already? Yay for Labor Day weekend!

I find Borderlands curiously out of place on that list because I couldn’t imagine it being anything other than first person, however the rest really fortify the point you’re making in my opinion.

Yes he realizes that. Hence his reiteration of the fact that he, personally, is unperturbed by those games. I think you may have misjudged the context of his reply and taken it as a slight.

I fully realize this may be a dissenting statement within the majority, and I’m not saying it isn’t a good game because I loved it’s predecessor and they seemingly addressed most concerns with the sequel. But I’ve been playing Deus Ex: Mankind Divided for about a week, maybe 5 hours or so in, and every minute of it

Fair enough fair enough. I have no intention to offend just honestly curious. So like... On a sexual level it’s stimulating or just in general it is fun for you? Trying to understand if it’s fetishist or if people actually like, identify themselves as an animal humanoid hybrid trapped in an entirely human body.

Just as a genuinely confusion born query, why?

Can’t bring myself to care about this, my mind is still clouded by an unreasonable tidal wave of rage due to you having Road Redemption delayed, Schreier.

Definitely unfortunate. I’d assume it highly unlikely that this is the first Pokemon Go related traffic incident but as for involuntary manslaughter it could well be.

Gotta go on record here to say that ignorance born of laziness is more often than not quite aggravating to most. It’s a short article. Hard to believe anyone could miss that detail short of not actually reading it at all.

Yeesh, no offense but lack of an optical on an external device would be the least of my concerns if I owned a Sanyo. I’d upgrade my screen before even thinking about making a ps4 slim purchase.

Most amusing indeed. Still have the box for my day one copy of the excellently misprinted Resident Evil: Revelaitons.

Love my lunar white as well. Curious if you might know, I was surprised to find the lunar white controller has textured grips, are these grips selfsame to the ones present on the newly designed xbone controllers or do the newer controller’s grips cover more surface area?

Well in that instance you might take a moment to actually read the article and discover that the camera pans back out once a weapon is drawn. If you have auto sword draw on, Geralt unsheathes a blade whenever an enemy is in reasonable proximity.

Trying to resist that 7GB firefight patch for Halo 5 based on principle. C’mon 343i, that monstrosity is already taking up 80GB. Yet I digress, I’ll most likely cave in the twilight hours of this eve.