
The OCD in me is letting fly a ferocious “ugh” at the one steel book with a blatantly visible PS4 logo on it. You know who you are.

So is this already part of the monstrosity that is taking up 81gb of HDD space or am I going to have to download another 20gb patch?

Yes, and I am the Commander of the United States Army Space and Missile Defense Command by day. I moonlight as fucking batman. -_-

Urban Dictionary is not a credible/reliable source for the correct spelling and usage of words.

This guy is really no stranger to publishing utterly ill-conceived notions is he? At least he did it at his own expense this time?

Okay let’s just get this out of the way first, Source Code is a steaming pile of Gyllenhaal and MOON is only acclaimed because it is indie and thus “new and thought provoking”.

Aside from that, anybody else read the article pertaining to a recent interview with this movie’s lead? Dunno why he thought it was an

Just now discovering this ‘japanese high-school kid murder mystery’ genre.

Getting into a little Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc this weekend.

Completely forgot about Fuse, what an atrocious game that was but you’re right. And Titanfall for sure. Mirror’s Edge really was not as niche as everyone tends to act like it is. I know it’s a reboot, still a previously established IP. And no PvZ does not count either we’re talking new IP’s here not reworked game

Dead Space and Mirror’s Edge both released before DA:I. I guess you can get away with Unravelled but really?

But this isn’t a new IP it’s another entry in an already established franchise. Not to mention I personally can’t remember EA releasing a new IP in like 7 years. Last one I recall is Dragon Age.

I can tell you from experience that for me personally it never happened. Since the days of KOTOR I have been unable to make morally ambiguous choices in video games that offer them. I’ve been told I’ve missed out on some great branching storylines because of this. I can honestly tell you I don’t care. I’d rather not

I love this game and the series to death. 100% my GOTY 2015. My only real gripe as far as the third entry goes would have to be a finisher related bug(at least I hope it’s a bug. Perhaps just a resource saving design technique, though.) wherein after cleaving an enemy NPC in two, no matter what that NPC looked like

In my opinion, aside from the complainers who complain for the sake of having something to complain about, I’d say the lion’s share of naysayers in regards to this franchise are now actually legitimately disgruntled consumers. These games have not been consistent in quality since brotherhood and its a real

I seem to remember reading that Bioware(meaning EA, really) has little interest in commiting time and resources to going back and remastering this series and would rather invest in new IP. But given how profitable remasters are seemingly trending it would be little surprise to see it eventually.

Unfortunately that will surely not be happening. There is, however, a dialogue choice scene in TW3 that pretty much allows you to choose the events which took place in 2 quite effectively.

Can't believe I'd never heard of this game. Picked it up on steam cuz of your post. So good.

You're not wrong. Had I given you the courtesy of reading it originally, I would have seen that. My apologies.

Not gonna subject myself to the complete idiocy that must be what you just wrote, but I can surmise from the first sentence it was necessary for you to google lots of big words. Kudos for the effort!

I never said anything about entertainment. I was pointing out the plain and simple fact that there is no real suffering involved. And the baby skull thing... uh, that's your deal buddy. You came up with that one. I think the lines between a simulation of a wartime sniper and some rando bashing an infant skull in with

Yeah, I've seen a lot of the hate from "feminists" as well. I've come to the personal conclusion, however, not to let these misguided individuals color my perception of ACTUAL feminists. Because these people telling others to kill themselves and other horrible things are not feminists. Largely they are radical