It’s not that they “want” to pay him 800k. They owe him that money. It was agreed upon years ago when he was in office. This is like POTUS101.
It’s not that they “want” to pay him 800k. They owe him that money. It was agreed upon years ago when he was in office. This is like POTUS101.
I love her bangs.
That doesn’t include The Obama Foundation which is tens of billions strong and able to be used for most expenses... especially when you’re in tight with the IRS ;)
That thing in the picture is a crocodile. I’ve always had a thing for crocs and gators were always the little brother of my fascination. I don’t want to get too into credentials and such but that thing up there is a pretty nice salter. Only the Aussies have better.
I can think of more than a thousand things off the top of my head that are worse than that and most of them are so terrible I wouldn’t even put them into words. Hopefully they leave my thoughts pretty soon too. Not good. That phrase really triggers me.
Oh, gotcha. Yeah I was wondering what you meant.
Not even two years into Trump and we’re already normalizing and using his lingo? There is no such thing as The Swamp. That was just a lie made up to antagonize Hillary.
Obama was elite-level rich before he was president?
Haha thanks. Yeah I like to think I’m a good person but don’t want to brag about it or anything.
That’s a crocodile, not a gator. Crocodiles are much bigger, especially saltwater crocs like this one.
It’s just a goddamned shame that all of this hand-wringing over “selling access” and “selling people” and “obeying donors over citizens” and “starting wars to get folks paid” and the rest of this nonsense is the result of Trump & Co slinging lies during the campaign about Hillary’s two charities: The Clinton Global…
One of the big differences, if the only one, between Hitler and Trump is that where Hitler was a National Socialist, Trump is more of a National Capitalist. That’s why I support him.
Sounds like what happened with the smash hit burger chain Five Guys.
Agree that Christianity and Islam are basically the same thing. Judaism too.
Interesting. I agree with what I think you are saying but not what you said. Bernie Sanders is a centrist and the Democratic party is the leftern hemisphere of the neocon establishment that has gathered on the far right. Trump is to the right of them.
I first visited West Virginia in 2004 and have been back nearly every summer since. It’s at once beautiful and tragic. The rolling hills, the Family Traditions Diner, and the suffocating smoke. It’s all too real.
I love R Kelly and could not care less about what he does in his personal life. Same goes for Breezy. To me, what you do behind closed doors is none of my business. Their music is good.
Alright. I’m not racist but the fact that Muslim terrorism is now a global phenomenon makes you have to at least consider the possibility that at least in some little way they are bringing this sort of antipathy upon themselves.
If Cohen was extorting ATT vis a vis Trump connection, does this mean Hannity was extorting Fox News as well? Sure seems like it.