Pirates have peg legs.
Pirates have peg legs.
Yes, I’m white. 100% Ashkenazi. And I can tell you for sure that we white people face zero, ZERO prejudice from anyone. In fact, considering our white privilege it’s literally impossible to be prejudiced or racist against us.
Yes, I’m white. 100% Ashkenazi. And I can tell you for sure that we white people face zero, ZERO prejudice from anyone. In fact, considering our white privilege it’s literally impossible to be prejudiced or racist against us.
If this is sarcasm you should really use the sarcasm hashtag so people can tell.
I personally find some transgenders a little awkward and unsettling. Others are totally passable and actually pretty good looking. I’m working on all of this, we all should be.
Humankind has been conditioned to believe that penis = male and vagina = female for thousands of years. Thousands. Of. Years.
Huh, makes sense. Never thought of it that way.
“Everything I don’t understand, including math, is trolling.”
What? How do you figure?
Which girl? There have been a bunch of them. Sharks aren’t exactly a laughing matter.
Sorry that I consider talent to be a necessary and large part of being an ATG. LeBron has a huge body that is naturally equipped to dominate at basketball. I’m not saying he doesn’t put up numbers. I’m saying that literally anyone else with his body could put up the same numbers. All body, no mind. Evident when he…
I’ve surfed off and on since I was a kid. Pool surfing is much better for a lot of reasons.
I went to Harvard. Undergrad and Grad.
This opinion is extremely popular in Spain, where my girlfriend lives. Leads me to believe you are Spanish. She doesn’t like Spanish guys.
ATGs don’t need the rules constantly bent and tailored to them in order to remain at that high level for the entirety of their careers.
It was a sport for men. Now it’s a sport for refs.
NCAA doesn’t need to be fixed. These kids go to school for FREE. With tuition in the stratosphere and only getting pricier they should probably stop complaining like little babies.
I’m winning this on Facebook right now though and that’s a bigger platform with much more diverse opinions than this place.
NFL sucks these days too, except for Kaep.