
She’s a birther. She deserves every moment of hell she is currently living through. I hope it’s every bit as painful as it appears.

Avenatti appears to be the perfect foil for trump.

Just want Jez to know that I turned my ad blocker back on because that WestWorld ad was giving me a headache and really bothering my eyes.

Did the shithole interviewer actually say that Erin “has officially passed away tonight”?

Yeah, I’m surprised there aren’t more comments on the question being a pretty classless thing to ask under those circumstances.

“Hey LeBron, you’ve been off the court for all of three minutes, and are still profusely dripping sweat. Can you comment on the personal tragedy that befell a friend on live television? Yeah, I know, you’re very tired from doing things athletically that no one else on Earth is capable of, but, like, stay focused, ok?”

Agreed completely. People process grief and tragedy differently, and springing a gotcha on someone like that is just asking for them to be unreasonably judged. It’s a totally normal reaction to be numb at first, and grieve later, even for extremely close family members. But if an NBA player doesn’t cry on TV, they’re

I also couldn’t believe that they dropped that news on him during a live interview on television. Total dick move. Don’t think I would have been as graceful as LeBron in that same situation.

It really is a twisted sort of “gotcha” moment, to illicit an emotional response we didn’t need to be privy to. Asshole move for sure.

They did it to Durant too during a small press session. It’s disgusting. These guys all know Pop and if they don’t appear emotional enough they’d surely be raked over the coals for it (unfairly - but let’s be real). We shouldn’t be judging how emotional they are in any instance good or bad, they should’ve had a

It’s weirdly callous. LeBron’s played for Pop multiple times as part of Team USA and has repeatedly expressed his love and appreciation for the guy. Dropping that bomb on him is a dick move, and honestly I thought he handled it amazingly well.

I could not fucking believe they did that.

Sorry, but Pop is a goddamned national treasure. Nic Cage found a map to his house on the back of the Declaration of Independence.

You’re either virgin or a slut. No in-between.

What a powerful piece. I love everything he writes, and this helps to explain a lot of it.

I read this on my phone this morning, on the bus. It’s devastating, and so very important.

Hey everyone! I found the raging dickhead!

Truly beautiful. Thank you for this! YOU ABSOLUTELY WIN THE INTERNET THIS WEEK!