
Isn’t the point just to laugh together? Whether it’s by text or whatever, it’s good to be sure you share the wacko.

I’ve read all of her work and none of his. Didn’t know they had a ‘relationship.’ She’s from the Beaumont area and I read her because she’s a Texas woman writer and because she has lots of intense stuff to say about alcoholism and other ills. And she is an incredible writer.

“He’s eluding to Kremlin ties.” I think you mean ‘alluding’

My badge notification is “on” for Gmail but it hasn’t given me the red dot in a year or more No idea why

All they needed to do was see that it didn’t cure Trump’s baldness

Isn’t this entire effort by Nunes and the WH itself evidence of obstruction? Seems to me that crafting a sorta fake memo just so you can fire the guy who has to approve charges (Rosenstein), is obstruction.

NOOOOOO. I love my Air

This is so true. Like, we have internet in Texas. We have wine. We have Teslas (f we want them). We’re in the world. Never underestimate people. Just f’ing listen to them.

Ok, here are my deductions/rumors:

Outstanding take-down. She’s very, very strong. Good on her.

thanks for this link. unbelievable

Jesus god. This is horrible. What a fucked up guy.

so sorry.

What?? Only inappropriate? Jesus Christ. That alone is enough to cause one to back away - without the sexual behavior. Fuck

I’ll go down this rabbit hole with you: I’m curious about the pattern you discerned, if you can divulge without identifying anyone.

Dude, I’m from Texas. Cruz, Cornyn and my rep DO NOT CARE about the country. They only care about the party and power. Calling never does any good.


Well, we can do our best to delegitimize him at every turn, then. I’ll be in the streets if he fires Mueller. And I expect that won’t matter. Hard to tell your kids that, you know? They believe in the ideal still. I’m losing faith in Country before Party.

This is so true. I needed this.