
Same here.

Side note: is it just me or are the numbers for starred likes not showing up for anyone else? The pages also seem to load slowly as well.

Only in a just universe would that happen. This is not a just universe. We missed that fork in the quantum branching timelines a while back.

I get what you’re saying, especially in regards to Nikki. One of the (numerous) reasons I will never run for office is my parent.

Unpopular Opinion: You cannot shame or criticize victims, but I think there is room to just believe people you care about. I don’t think it’s okay for Keaton to go after Dylan Farrow, but I do think it’s okay that she believes Allen and is wrong. I also think it’s okay that Nikki Minaj never spoke out against her

She’s not excusing it because it’s not criminal. It sounds to me like she’s saying that there’s a lot of room for things to be wrong before they technically break a law.

I think it comes from the very real instinct within us to recoil from this man. His looks honestly wouldn’t make him ugly if he wasn’t rotten through and through. There are plenty of men who’s personality’s are so incredible they become attractive, even if their looks aren’t what many would consider traditionally

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one relieved that the journalist wasn’t American.

People in Boston asked if I rode a horse to work when I told them I’m from Texas. The racist ones asked if I rode a donkey to work.

thank you for that, I’m going to go watch all his videos.

Megyn Kelly is the opposite of a journalist. She’s the crazy member of a mom’s Facebook group who they keep around because everyone secretly likes reading her crazy, crazy posts.

But a White House staffer tells the paper that it’s highly unlikely she would have been at a meeting of any significance to the Russia probe

That’s already a dumb though—he potentially fucked himself out of many of the protections of operating through a corporation by engaging in business practices that could be argued as grounds for piercing the corporate veil.

I am a business litigation attorney and have reviewed hundreds - if not thousands - of emails from corporate accounts and servers, everyone is exceedingly stupid. People forwarding trade secret documents to their personal email from their company email accounts before going to work for a competitor, more porn and

“while at Mr. Allen’s apartment, she saw him ad Soon-Yi having sex. Her reporting was childlike but graphic. She also told the police that Mr. Allen had pushed her face into a plate of hot spaghetti and had threatened to do it again.”

Can’t wait to learn Destruction of Evidence gets tacked onto the police investigations going on against him.

Add in being actively and constantly gaslighted by your partner who has made sure you only act in films he directs and you’ve got a perfect recipe for headfuckery.

Beat me to it. Good show. Like Vanity Fair somehow isn’t a legitimate source.

Team Dylan