
The girl who escaped is 17 but looked 10. Think about how you looked in fourth grade as opposed to how you looked as a junior in high school. She still had the courage and faculties to run and ask for help.

Home schooling at your finest. It’s amazing how psychos find each other. They both look like they would be like this.


I think this quote is apt. Because I suspect we are going to find out that the neighbors suspected; that social services suspected; that their “church” members suspected. But that the entire system did nothing.

I did this about 10 years ago. Living in an apartment complex and noticed some shady goings on with the people across the courtyard. Kids in and out but never for long and the kids looked unclean and hungry. Went on for awhile and finally I needed to do something. Called the police. The place got raided. Turned out

Social worker here. You’d be surprised how shitty state agencies run when it involves the health and welfare of children. I would encourage you to look up Danieal Kelly. One of the most extreme cases of neglect I’ve read about. I seriously reconsidered working with kids after reading about the case. Also, you’ll going

In a statement, the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office said that “The parents were unable to immediately provide a logical reason why their children were restrained in that manner.”

My roommate is an ex-Scientologist. Trust me, they would DEFINITELY stoop this low to smear their perceived enemies. They are PURE EVIL.

They build entire websites making false accusations against former member who speak out about them. Seizing the moment of Women vs. Hollywood in this case against Haggis surprises literally no one who pays attention to CoS and their misdeeds.

I don’t want to get into the business of questioning accusers’ stories (as has been happening since time immemorial).

I hope she continues to do amazing work. She had me a 33 year old woman actually paying attention to Teen Vogue. For a while I’d see a political article shared from Teen Vogue and I’d be like really? Then I’d read it and be like “What?” Then it happened more and more and I was like Teen Vogue is putting out more

Her talents include guiding a teen magazine to do smart, relevant political writing that’s better than a lot of coverage aimed at adults...

I can relate to this. I quit drinking beer by replacing it with Perrier. Each and every time I craved the booze, I’d grab a bottle of the bubbly water. I feel much better and lost a lot of weight.

Fun Fact: he’s married.

The saving grace is that Andy Warhol would have loved this story.

Right. That’s the issue. I was afraid of doxxing myself — but what the heck. Over eighty percent of women in the ancestral tree (on one side) have names that begin with J and end in N (or an “n” sound — might be followed by e) — and they are all different. And no one ever noticed!

(B)! Definitely (B). They’re in headless-chicken mode, trying to poison the well & spread distractionary misinformation. I mean think about it, they JUST discovered that Mueller had the emails all along, AFTER they’d all lied in their interviews, so it’s just now occurring to them that he already knows exactly what

White House special counsel Ty Cobb told CNN... Trump is not firing Mueller.

Repeatedly stating that he won’t fire Mueller is the demented dictator’s version of riding in the back seat with a sibling, holding a grubby finger 1/8” from your sibling’s eye, and chanting, “I’M NOT TOUCHING YOU I’M NOT TOUCHING YOU,” while the car lurches through potholes.