
It’s not even eloquent enough to be a soliloquy.

Seriously. If I make it through the end of the year without a rage-stroke, it will be a goddamn miracle.

I’m with you. He’s a douche.

Friendly reminder, relationships between superiors and subordinates are presumptively coercive!

Matt Lauer’s firing was about as expected as Donald Trump’s incompetence. Figuring out who sexually harasses women isn’t very difficult to predict. Lauer consistently gave Trump and O’Reilly a pass on their shitty behavior while grilling HRC about emails and telling her to keep her answers brief.

Shout-out to Ann Curry!!! I hope you are celebrating wherever you are, hon.

i had it too. i don’t remember much, other than calling it Charlotte fever because that’s my grandmother’s name.

I had it when I was about seven or eight years old. I don’t think I’ve ever been that sick since.* I was raving delirious and my fever was so high that my frantic parents were told by the doctor to put me in a tepid bath to try to bring the fever down. They did this, only to me the bath felt ice-cold and my

This is the face that wants me to either share my food or get off my MacBook and play ball already.

Rosie the English mastiff, posing for a beauty shot

This is Wrigley. She spent two hours here thinking she was trapped in a wide open hallway with stairs at the end of it.

This is our GSP Annie. She’s crazy but she’s the best dog ever.

Newby the Prince.

That’s Daisy, our recently adopted Shih Tzu. And those are my wife’s panties.

Rory, 10-year-old Braque d’Auvergne enjoying life in Wyoming because Wyoming is awesome

Perhaps buy another microwave to hold the cover while you are using the original microwave?

Perhaps buy another microwave to hold the cover while you are using the original microwave?