
And she had the fucking NERVE to tweet today - Equal Pay Day - that we should work together to close the wage gap.

She’s trying to redefine words to mean something different because that’s what fascists do.

If she was chunky no one would give her the time of day. SHE IS FUCKING EVIL.

I hate her so much. Sometimes, I fantasize that I go to one of her “working women” events and I get the mic to ask her a question so I can just call her a fake-ass cunt to her face.

I was watching the news and they basically gave her a pass. She’s not being a force for good. She’s being a force for herself.

And as I have stated before, big fucking deal rich girl is attractive. Plastic surgery, never having to do any manual labor, and a glam squad will do wonders for practically every person.

This girl gets so many free passes and kudos simply because she is attractive. She’s an unethical businesswoman advising an unethical president. He’s using her as a shield while he pulls of his anti-woman antics.

“I don’t know what it means to be complicit”

Fuck Gayle King. She was one of the media lackeys who went to kiss the ring in Trump Tower following the election. And then had the fucking gall to tsk tsk Seth Meyers on his show for being critical of Trump, because we should ‘give him a chance.’ And of course fuck Nazi Princess.

I still call Schroedinger’s relationship. Only Katie knows if he’s in the box.

And I kind of loved that she was the tiniest one, physically. No one would’ve seen her as a threat, but she got things done.

She came in like a fucking wrecking ball. If I knew how I’d insert a gif for that.

That moment when Madeline looked at Jane and you could tell she figured it out...something about that was so emotional. I guess it just showed the depth of the love and true connection they had. And when he came for one of them, didn’t matter what any differences had been, none of them were gonna have any of that shit!

When you put women in charge THIS IS HOW MAGIC HAPPENS! No drawn out stupidity, tight, hard editing, beautiful acting without nonsense exposition. Sharp, terrifying, beautiful, heartbreaking, frightening, evocative.

That was the best fucking hour of TV I’ve seen in a long time.

Ugh, he’s so gross on the show. No appeal whatsoever. Keep that P far from me. Their sex scenes are awful and obnoxious, too. Total turn-off.

fuck he knows about the apartment. he’s so fucking scary. i hate him.

She’s great in this, but so is Reese, and of course they are both exec producers of it....I commented to Mr. Again last week, one thing about this show is you can tell why all/most of these ladies have Oscars or have been nominated...they’re A list for good reason. It’s a treat to see so much talent/skill all in one

Laura Mercier is the only one that doesn’t ball up on my stupid face. I vote her.

Laura Mercier is the only one that doesn’t ball up on my stupid face. I vote her.

Ted Talks smack to Sean Hannity is a Ted Talk I can get behind!