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    Figured it was some form of gross understatement. No one’s getting arrested/fined for merely saying mean words, and it’s intellectually dishonest to claim otherwise. That said, if you’re stupid enough to repeatedly - voluntarily - do such things on social media and catch shit for it, I don’t feel sorry for you.

    What bad words are the government stopping you from saying? 

    That’s interesting. 

    It’s a fucking work truck; what’re you doing in a two ton truck that you need perfect/crisp shifts every time ? Assuming poorly-times shifts are even a problem with 2017 Ram (which I doubt), how do people not simply adjust how they drive such vehicles ? Again, we’re talking about a truck used for puttering around and

    I said there’s nothing stopping me; that doesn’t mean I WANT to. The day I actually encounter a car that “should have” had a manual that doesn’t, I’ll sort it out - but that hasn’t happened yet. As it stands, you’re the one bitching about lack of choices, not me.

    I went to a Nickelback concert and enjoyed it, therefore Nickelback makes good music.”

    tl;dr - eat shit, Kanye.

    Okay, I’ll bite: what car did you have two of in manual and automatic version ?

    “Yeah OK. Go ahead and take a 2019 anythingand put a manual in it.”

    Alright, man.

    Sorry, but I don’t buy that. Maybe that applies to sportier cars made before the 21st century, but I do not believe that driving a 2017 manual 2500 Ram is noticeably different one way or another from driving an auto.

    “You prefer less options?” is a loaded question. No one asks that sort of thing in good faith, so I responded accordingly. My normal answer would be “buy used” - there’s MORE than enough cars to choose from.

    If you’re even remotely talented at rowing your own gears, you shouldn’t even notice that you’re doing it. It sure as shit isn’t noticeable when driving a full-size pickup while towing your off-road rig.

    There’s nothing stopping me from doing manual swaps for pretty much every vehicle I want. No one’s out of options; options for cars “disappear” if you’re unwilling to do it yourself or unwilling to pay for it.

    It’s really no more tiresome than hearing “Save the Manuals” all the time.

    The point is to say that you own a big truck with a manual; that’s it. It’s not more fun. It doesn’t drive better. It doesn’t do anything better than the auto Ram 2500, unless the automatic you’re comparing it to is broken or defective somehow.

    How does this manual compare to the six speed in a Porsche 718 ?

    Getz is offended because someone else is using one of their favorite weapons. Identifying a group by race/gender in this context is almost always meant to marginalize or taint said group’s actions - which this buttfuck and his white bread’ren have done for decades.

    In his defense, it also wouldn’t take me much time before proposing to Taraji.