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    Normally I’m not about wood trim at all but this works for me. I’d never buy it for myself, but I can still appreciate a decent application. 

    You’re trash.

    If I didn’t know that an electric version of these is in the works, I’d trade in my Macan immediately. And that green looks good, but you can’t do it without offering the right interior:

    I don’t think sweating is an excretory act in this context. I think most well-adjusted people understand that they’re putting a restriction on things like spitting, pissing/peeing, vomiting, shitting, cumming, etc.

    I don’t hate her as much as I hate Anthropologie, though...maybe I need time?

    They still run out of spicy around my way, except usually it’s a 12-15 minute wait for them to cook the new batch.

    Alright, my mistake. 

    I’m literally in another comment section making “your momma” jokes - I do not take this shit seriously. You’re the lame who came in here talking about “hE hAs mOrE sTaRs” like that means anything.

    I’m guessing some new stickler was hired and spent actual time looking for questionable plates. Or maybe one of her neighbors/acquaintances is a dickhead who works for the DMV (or knows someone who does), and felt like snitching. But no doubt, someone definitely went looking for this plate, to give this woman grief,

    Lol. I really don’t think the persons who coined that phrase envisioned it being applied to license plates - or pee jokes.

    A for effort (which, incidentally, is what I said to your mom).

    On My Way To Fuck Your Bitch

    It’s like dragoning except not using an actual car.

    wHy wOuLd aNyOnE bUy a 911 nOW?!?

    You’re joking, right ? I’d never use stars as a metric of rightness/validation, and anyone who does shouldn’t be taken seriously.

    Longer than you can afford, pal. Corvette.

    Yeah but your mom does.

    He gets hit in the head for a living

    Majority of states are 7 characters, so it was an assumption on my part. But to be sure, I Googled:

    Din Viesel