
Clover, if there’s one thing the last month has taught us, it’s that being a sure thing is no guarantee of victory.

With that level of donations, they should name something after him - like a gender neutral restroom.

It’s the least I can do and I only wish I had started sooner.

I had a lightning bolt moment this summer. While reading up on Pence I remembered a college course in Women’s History during which the professor wept as she spoke of Margaret Sanger and the death of Sadie Sachs. At the time I was a 19 year old from a farm

There’s snark because black and brown people have been telling white people this stuff for ages but, as per usual, white people only get it when it impacts them more personally.

I still literally cannot believe this man is our next president.

youre thirty-great.

That imperative “APOLOGIZE!” and the end of Drumpf’s tweet just makes me want to scream: “FUCK YOU YOU’RE NOT MY REAL DAD!” then slam the door to my bedroom.

do you have a calendar?

NYT wants access to the office and they will sell their souls to get it.

Tomorrow’s NYT headline:

Let’s all pledge to become better. spend a little more time caring, hungry for the truth. Only us the people can make this better


True story: Greg Howard was in Slack one day and said pizza isn’t anything special and I wanted to kill him.

Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.

The Crown is a very good show and a very good distraction.

First I laughed. Then I cried.

This just in: On Wednesday, November 9th, NASA’s server was briefly down after they received emails from over 61 million Americans, volunteering to be part of their first mission into deep space to look for another habitable planet.

we should ask her if planet earth seems blue, and if theres anything we can do.