
“But my buddy’s fox body...”

I am completely stunned that VW actually paid attention to the market, and dealt with reality on reality’s terms. First they priced it competitively, and now they’re offering a big honkin’ warranty. These were the two absolute musts for them to have a chance to make a real comeback in the US market. I had put the odds

I love cars and my Honda Pilot thank you very much. I can’t afford to be a gearhead but reliability is something to be proud of

I train child care providers and CA just recently changed the law requiring them to be vaccinated. One woman audibly groaned and was like ‘Uhh now they are making us put that poison in us too?’ I couldn’t say anything because I will straight up get fired if I said what I was thinking but my first thoughts were ‘Lady,

Sooner or later, people are going to figure out that the South and IA, KAS, OK, TX, MT, etc are still really fucking racist. And yet, we care about the Iowa caucus, we care about what rural voters in WV think; every election we have to endure endless speculation about what those backwards fucks think. I do not care;

Saw one street parked yesterday. It was in rough shape but still looks great, excellent design.

Heck no, these dopes just say stuff like that, and that the BRZ needs a turbo, wagon this, and shooting brake that.

Maybe after the kids are grown, I can be patient :)

That’s it!! I’m not buying one, the line has been made impure!!

Wait? A nismo r35 is rice? It runs 10's at nearly 130 mph. I wish my c5z was that quick...

Now playing

Triumph the Insult Dog came up with a better alternative - shock collars for every single Mexican in Mexico. Not surprisingly, being the mouth-breathing cabbage-brained troglodytes they are, Trump supporters loved it. Except they were worried the Mexicans might steal the collars, the ungrateful darkies. And maybe

I fucking hate Seth Rogen (and Johna Hill and Judd Apatow). I fucking hate them with the fire of a burning white dwarf star. Fuck him for taking on Kurzweil. I get Kurzweil is annoying (I teach him in my college classes) but fuck this dipshit for thinking he has anything original or new to say. Fuck.

I’m sorry, Seth. You can’t do that right now.

I’m not saying Trump isn’t racist! I’m just saying it’s a sad time in history now that racism is generally considered a bad thing.

Could’ve been worse.

Everyday is the same thing. “Schedule your upgrade for Windows 10 today? Update now?”

First of all, you’re difficult to take seriously if you bought a Compass new.

It’s like the bumbling-husband trope: men can’t be expected to [clean dishes/care for children/pay bills/not rape women], so women will just have to pick up the slack.