Crying Shame turns into the Crying Game.
Crying Shame turns into the Crying Game.
The first shower didn’t take!!!
I mean guys politics again?
Common Auto Correct mistake. Musk meant to say “Pedro Guy”
Fake News!!! Russians are our Comrads and my friends on Facebook tell me That Putin said He did nothing.
Yeah maybe so but you know it makes me look so cool.
Fake News!!! at least the Kid was returned and I heard from my secret Facebook source that all these kids are covered in dirt and lice.
This has been tried by the Catholic Church.
Fake News!!! None of this is in the Good Book
Fake news. Kim is honorable man
Looks like it’s assisting in a suicide.
Yeah but looks hideous :(
Please don’t take our mustangs away what’s next our guns?
This thing is hideous.
I think he should be invistageted for the crocks he routinely wears.
Finally some good news from India. Industrious lads.
Yep my crap can gen1 I think still keeps going no matter what abuse we throw at her.
It’s like the Pot calling the Kettle naked. Wait what?