
Any way to just get the course book? I’d love to read it :)

Now I’m both curious and worried. I’m a heterosexual white male and I find myself frequently “checking out” girls that walk by on my campus. It is almost subconscious or reflexive and I ALWAYS feel bad or guilty about doing it, but I have tried and failed to stop because not doing it requires a good deal of conscious

Nobody has pointed this out, but *fairly. Nonetheless I sadly agree.

That's sort of like saying that the Toyota Camry is the most common car to crash and going from there...

I honestly started reading adult level books in like 3rd grade and I think I just intuitively changed my reading style in order to fit my cravings for more and more books. When I find myself saying the words in my head, I find that I can either stop and clear my mind and focus again, else I have to take a break for a

Natural selection :D

I'm sorry, but anyone who thinks that the space program is risky has zero awareness of history. We attempt to be so absurdly careful with a handful of lives that we can amost no longer afford to have a manned space program.

Yes, I am aware that people suck.

It's really sort of sad that people have literally forgotten about the game that 2048 was ripped off of, Threes. The developers of that game literally spent months and months developing it.

Also, this one isn't too bad.

Taken with an HTC Droid Incredible 2.

Eh, no, then we'd still have useless excuses for human beings posting ridiculously stupid and pointless comments without those comments being connected to their actual identity.

You're aware that we gave the Japanese government and emperor several chances to avoid the first one and several chances to prevent the second, AFTER they knew what we were capable of, right? Hiroshima can be placed solely in the hands of those Japanese officials who chose "honor" over the lives of tens of thousands

I certainly don't think you need to apologize, I fully agree with you and your argument was as reasonable as any.

This is my most liked photo so it is honestly quite true.

Me as well!

If anyone's read any of the Halo books, this is actually not inaccurate to what the aftermath of space battles would be.

Well, in months between now and late March, my girlfriend and I have sent at least 55,000 messages between ourselves. As an extreme introvert, texting and Facebook messaging are incredibly helpful to me for developing close relationships and being able to be comfortable in person with people. And we are both quite


Holy shit it's like Talladega Nights in real life.