
"I like to be edgy on the internet because it makes my e-penis bigger"

Oh I'm glad you think so. Can't say it's been fun arguing with you though, since it appears you're not overburdened with intelligent opinions. Keep shaming them white folk, hopefully one day that'll take care of racism.

You're either a troll's troll or you're literally the dumbest person I've talked to all week... and I spend a lot of time on the internet.

Ok you're a prime example of a person for whom the word is diluted. It seems like you're even on the verge of calling me racist.

I'm not saying he wasn't. I'm trying to discuss racism and not whether Clarkson was being an asshole or not.

So what you're saying is white people have to be careful not to make fun of anyone except white people? You see, it's that kind of self censoring that makes racism such a touchy topic. No, minorities shouldn't get to cry "racism!" every time someone insults their culture. Mexican culture is what was insulted by

So what you're saying is white people have to be careful not to make fun of anyone except white people? You see, it's that kind of self censoring that makes racism such a touchy topic. No, minorities shouldn't get to cry "racism!" every time someone insults their culture. Mexican culture is what was insulted by

Yeah that's not racism is my point. If the only group he made fun of was brown people then that would be. Don't call it racism, but insensitivity to a culture.

Only social justice idiots look for racism where there's none. How many times has the show made fun of the French? As soon as they make a joke about Mexicans, it becomes racism because most Mexicans have a darker skin color? The fact anyone draws attention to that only further makes race an issue in today's society.

I too am a fan of shit-eating grins on cars

I realized that having a bro truck is actually fantastic if you're wading through flooded streets as well so they actually do have a hidden, useful purpose

Why don't you find a new hobby instead of enforcing a stifling political correctness on people.

Polan can into not being like Rosja!

...that wasn't sarcasm? Ok now I'm scared. It doesn't look like that lagonda but it looks "exactly like an accord coupe"? Which is, of course, a coupe...

This is it! A use for bro trucks has been discovered! They're be perfect for traversing flooded roads at low speeds

I was thinking you were a little bit insane up until accord. Thanks for teh lols

I travel, I've been to Europe on a few occasions seeing as I am a born European. I know not to judge a place based on the idiots that I meet, which seems is the only thing that you notice when you tour the world. This argument seems to have devolved into one of opinions and exaggerations so I'm done for now, but I

Haha the cynic tries to convince the realist that he too is, in fact, a realist. If you were anything but an idealistic and pedantic cynic, you wouldn't be trying to feebly prove a subjective point on the internet. Also the world's realist population resides in places like Texas and Alberta so I can't possibly imagine