
So.....yeah.....MeganRivera didn't say a single word about making her religious ideas into "political policy" (is that an actual thing that people say?) or that politics should be "dependent on religion". I'm thinking you might be super duper extra sensitive here.


By staring at them and pointing their dick at them while masturbating.

I guess I'll never be a gourmet. I'd rather have a Five Guys burger than any of this.

Partly because of the assumption that sex is over once the man ejaculates, but also because most men feel more like going to sleep right after ejaculation (and several minutes of cardio, perhaps) than immediately going down on their partner. Ladies first ends up being more pragmatic than ladies last, because ladies

No, because if I am first the physiological response is to get drowsy and sleep. It's always worked better for me to stay alert, and thus...partner first.

ETA: Mind you I might just be over cautious and eager to please. So I try harder.

Because men's bodies release a hormone after orgasming that makes us tired/non-sexual (not literally, just that the sex drive goes away fairly quickly, as opposed to women where an orgasm increases your desire.) If the woman is able to get off before the man, it will be easier. Though men still CAN get women off after

Because there is a strong cultural conception that straight sex is "over" once the male has an orgasm. So, the logic goes, if the woman doesn't come first, she doesn't come at all.

Because if the woman doesn't orgasm and the man does, there's little chance he's going to keep working with her to get her there.

Having read Kerman's book - the real life "Alex" is quite a bit different than the television show Alex, as is Larry, who does not bang the friend while Piper is in prison and is still married to Piper. There was a great deal of dramatic license taken for the show.

Well, it's aimed at everyone who's into this show.

A lot of people talk about how Piper Kerman's book is very different to the show. I was actually surprised how much of the show WAS based on the book. Like the screwdriver plot in season 1, I'd figured that was all made up.

But I get to be the relationship scapegoat! You know, when it's just the two of you, you only have each other to fight with. If it were the THREE of us, you could be all, "Ugh, why is that bitch eating my Lunchables again? She doesn't even go here!" And the you and your partner have the most perfect (sans Lunchables)

Thank you. I...I guess I will come out and be openly gay now. Just like I've been since I was 17. I wouldn't have ever had the courage to do this without you and hope that we can continue to be friends.

No, dude! I am as straight as they come!

He could have said "I am not going to marry you."

"In hindsight, all the warning signs were there"? All the warning signs that he was going to fake his own death.

Ugh. Everyone knows you fake amnesia, not death! Gawd, millennials, get your shit together!

Actually, my partner is so pleased with the fact that I am sensitive and secure enough to write for Jezebel on the daily (about only the most important topics and never weird sex trends and puppies) that all we do is have sex and eat lunchables. And then I get paid for this!