Have you tried super squats?
Have you tried super squats?
Well, in this case Kat basically confirmed my intuitions, which were that heteronormativity queers all trans sexuality so that as a trans person it doesn't really matter whether you're straight or gay (unless you're passing as cis). I was wondering if there was something in the dynamic I was not seeing, but there…
Do trans people who are straight have straight privilege compared to gay trans people? I've been kind of wondering about that for a while but it seems like everything gets super complicated and confusing when there's a trans person involved. I guess it depends on a lot of factors like how well they pass, in what ways…
Why are you staying in a hotel long enough that you would consider buying something online and having it shipped to the hotel???
Nah, it's an ironic Internet thing.
There can only be one when the word best is used as a ranking (which it is supposed to by definition).
You can have an indefinite number of best friends if they're all equally good. "Best" means "that than which there is none better." It doesn't necessarily mean "better than everything else." Advertisers can't say their product is "better than" a competing product unless they've got some kind of proof that it is, but…
Lindy, I don't know about you but I hear women use "boy" in a sexual sense to refer to guys they are dating/sleeping with/crushing on all the time. When women refer to adult men as "boy" it seems to usually be in a sexual context. Rihanna even has a song called "Rude Boy" that's all about getting it on.
It's not your place to decide that a headdress is just a cool thing to put on your head because the symbol doesn't belong to you. It belongs to the people for whom it is sacred - something that is set apart, not for everyday use. For you to treat it as something that's OK to do whatever you want with is so…
Yeah, it's symbolism but the thing you're missing is that the headdress is a symbol that doesn't belong to you. It belongs to Native Americans, and even they wear it only rarely, if at all. Even the warrior Crazy Horse did not wear a war bonnet.
No, we speak English correctly over here. Not like you British and your bastardized queen's English. Everybody knows "fanny" means "butt," not "vagina." And "fanny pack" is a pouch that uncool squares wear on their hip, not whatever perverted thing you would think that meant.
There should be some Bonds-related news articles and memorabilia in the Hall for sure, since it is a museum. But Bonds doesn't deserve to be inducted into the Hall, IMO. He didn't come by his accomplishments honestly.
OK, you're right, if you play the game as who is closest to Bacon, Bacon himself is 0 and everyone else is 1 or higher. But some actors have more well-connected networks than Bacon himself has, because they've worked with more people/a wider variety of people.
He's not the center, actually. There are other actors with higher Kevin Bacon scores. Some computer science department (Rutgers, maybe?) worked it all out. I forget the name of the guy who is #1, but he is someone who appeared in a lot of different types of movies over a number of years, so he worked with a lot of…
What do you people say about people who buy new cars? I've always heard that if you buy new and drive the car throughout the life of the vehicle, then it's cheaper than buying used.
That depends. Who is paying for the woman and her child? The gov'mint, a private charity, or an old rich guy wearing a monocle?
How is adoption or foster care socialism? Some of these people might object to the state's role in the foster care system (I don't know because I've never asked them) but I don't think any of them are opposed to the concept of adoption or foster care. They're pro-family so they should love adoption, particularly if…
Or maybe my experiences are different from yours. Do you think these people lie in bed in the morning thinking, "How can we oppress women today?" I'm sure some pro-lifers intend to oppress women but not all.
I agree with you, I don't think it's really a consistent position, but they are probably either thinking that rape is so awful it's an overriding factor and are willing to bite the bullet on the inconsistency, or they don't really realize it's inconsistent, or they're making a political compromise.
Lack of empathy for women.