Oh my god, are you mad, bro? What the fuck did I ever do to you?
Oh my god, are you mad, bro? What the fuck did I ever do to you?
What about "lesbian bed death"?
Do you have any evidence for that claim? I have this:
I don't think this article is very well-written. To be of much use at all it would need to go into detail about which athletes were injured, in which sports, what were the nature of the injuries, what were the course conditions like for those sports, and what were the training conditions like for those sports. Without…
I commented on one aspect of the original article I disagreed with and since then have been having a polite and respectful back-and-forth with various other commenters. I've never read "Men Are From Mars" but I recommended a book that I have read, which is by an actual scientist who is also a woman. I'm just saying…
Why are you trolling me? I'm keeping it respectful and you're throwing straw men at me. I'm not saying women are alien. I'm not saying men and women are "sooo different." I'm saying that men and women are not exactly the same. Male and female brains aren't wired exactly the same way and I'm not sure why that statement…
So I know someone who dated this guy and made it clear to him FROM THE OUTSET that she wouldn't have sex with him before marriage. She wanted to marry him after they'd been dating for about 1.5 or 2 years. Did he propose? No. He just got super pissy all the time that he wasn't getting sex and eventually started…
No, you weren't talking to me, but I was worried you were talking about me. If that wasn't the case then no worries.
If nothing else, please recognize at least that I am neither an MRA nor a conservative asshole. I am actually a liberal feminist man.
So female worth is judged based on their appearance and who they have sex with, women have sex with men as a gift and not for their own pleasure, but somehow women who have sex with a lot of men are sluts and we should shame them.
That's a fair point . . . I wasn't really considering literary erotica. I have no idea what's on tumblr because the only tumblrs I ever read are yoisthisracist.com and mansplained.tumblr.com. Neither of which is erotica unless reading about social justice gets you off.
Several interesting points.
In my experience as a man it does seem true, but I recognize that you have different experiences and I respect your opinion.
That's a fair point.
Why does it make no sense from a physiological standpoint? Physically men's and women's bodies are different and look different. We know that in other areas what men and women are sexually interested in differs somewhat. We know there are different amounts of various hormones in male vs. female bodies and a number of…
I do find it interesting and surprising that Sudanese culture teaches that women have a higher sex drive than men. The fact that your friend and her husband both ended up sexually frustrated because neither was initiating sex sort of makes my point for me that willingness to initiate sex =/= a high sex drive. I am not…
You're right - I'm a man and I don't and can't know what it's like to be conditioned that way. I have some idea - I was raised in an evangelical household and I have a sister who is close in age - but I'm not privy to your experience.
I don't mean women aren't visual at all, just that they are less so than men. I completely accept that women are visually stimulated as well. I was pointing out that men are more frequent consumers of porn, strippers, and sundry images of scantily clad members of the opposite sex, I was just trying to avoid the…
I was raised in an evangelical Christian household (we went to church regularly though my parents didn't talk about religion very often in the home). So I grew up thinking masturbation was gross and wrong. But that didn't stop me from doing it.
Well, that brings me to another point: that women, compared to men, tend to discover what they're into sexually later in life.