Aaron James

100 percent of the people that complain about 911s can’t afford one anyway.

The rock with an epic ‘Stache? Hell yeah I’d watch that.

It’s a live sporting event. There is no such thing as spoilers for a live sporting event. If you choose not to watch it live then it’s up to you to avoid people discussing it. The world does not revolve around you and your schedule.

If they are, It should be at the top of the list with the model S right? Why is that such a strange idea????? It’s not based on any real data, it’s just a wild guess.

Thank you, I know I’m right.

I’d love to see an action packed race. Seems like every time I’m able to catch one it’s just a boring parade.

Isn’t Formula 1 just a Parade of (quiet) cars following Lewis Hamilton? I mean it’s not really a race is it?

Yes, I did use a bit of Hyperbole.

Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore were great but yeah, mostly they suck.

I’m kind of afraid to admit that I don’t know who that is. I guess I should though as close to 1/4 of the replies have referenced him.

If you base it off the other product then the Model 3 should be at the top with the Model S right? I mean using those parameters then how could the Model 3 get just “Average”? I get what you are saying but it seems like CR just pulled “Average” out of thin air and that is why Tesla has an issue with it. It’s not based

Giving something that hasn’t even been built yet a reliability score is like Hating a movie that hasn’t even been filmed yet. It’s just stupid.

No doubt the Miura is gorgeous. But Honestly I didn’t even know what the Miura was until the internet came around. I had the Countach plastered all over my bedroom wall as a kid. You never forget your first love :) You could never roll low Key in a Countach, that’s for sure.

t’s a vinyl bra, so the button on your jeans doesn’t scratch the paint. Also you tuck the bill of your hat into the top so you can put it on after you take your helmet off. We had lots of Rad hair in the 90's so as soon as a helmet came off, a hat must go on.

Back in the old days, domestic cars needed 2 keys, one for the doors and one for the ignition. Had 4 cars back then and house keys Plus the required bottle opener and carabiner etc.. Now just have whichever fob I need for the Escape or the C7, and the deadbolt in the front door just needs a code or I can go in the

Still think the Countach is one of, if not THE best looking car ever made.

It’s G-Thang, you wouldn’t understand. Seriously though it’s all about status. Kind of like why Jeep people accept so many compromises to daily drive a Wrangler, everything else is better but it’s not a Jeep so.....

Try explaining that to the TSA agent :)

Same here instead of a giant ring of Keys like I had in the 90's, I now just slip a single fob into my pocket.