Aaron James

we know what’s up, we’re both winners :)

hell ya, the ugly ones try a lot harder too :)

intact grains of sugar would be trapped by the fuel filter

good point, I agree, highly likely.

Jr was in the booth for an xfinity race not long ago, I thought he did a real nice job and was a great addition. Nothing at all like you describe.

have you watched an xfinity race with Harvick or Keselowski or Logano in the booth? They always do a good job and I like the first hand experience they bring. Only hitch I see is not having a pro to fall back on if they run out of things to say or need a little push in the right direction. It’s not like they are

They all have experience in the booth for xfinity races so I think it will be fine. They have always had a pro with them to fall back on though so it could get interesting. I don’t expect failure though, these people know what they are doing and want those jobs when they retire from driving.

Hold my Martini and watch this gentleman.

they’ve all returned to the earth that spawned them. Rusted away like an eroding beach.

and another 5 dollars charged to your credit card if you want to actually use it.

oops wrong mo

I agree with you 100% but the DNC played a major role in getting Hillary the nomination because it was “her turn”


Damn, that looks pretty nasty

the winnings are such a tiny amount of the budget, redistributing the wealth would have no effect. That never works. there will always be top tier and bottom tier teams but if you take away the templates and restrictions then only 1 team will be the top team. Formula 1 comes to mind. how many teams have a real likely

the only thing that does is make sure the team with the most money is the only one that wins.

They’re just going to keep doing the same thing over and over again and we’ll have another 7 years of trump and then if we make it that far god only knows what is next. The DNC is 100% responsible for Donald Trump being president.

no doubt, I love how the exhaust adjusts according to the situation. Stealth or balls out, whatever you need or prefer :)

“trump won’t even get the republican nomination, let alone be president” look at the recent special elections where the democrats were supposed to win, they didn’t. The democrat party is in serious trouble unless they change their platform.

go to your car and take the right front brake rotor off, next get up to 200 miles an hour and hit the brakes. with braking force only on the left front, you will turn left. The brake disk exploded, the tire was fine. yes a cut tire will send you to the wall but that’s not what happened