yeah but everything has a 2jz. this is pretty unique.
yeah but everything has a 2jz. this is pretty unique.
I once ran out of gas in the middle of rural Kentucky in the 90's. 30 minute walk to the first house I could find. Guy was outside mowing the lawn on a tractor. I told him I ran out of gas and asked him if I could buy some. He took me to the house, wife offered me dinner and a coke, so I ate dinner with this nice…
Always nice to know I’m not the only one.
Jalopnik is the only decent property owned by Gawker. So more like the pretty blond adopted daughter in a family of red-headed step children.
I think for the same reason that the guy smoking weed on his back deck doesn’t call the cops on the guy up the street shooting fireworks off. Both are guilty of something.
you forgot the I in ruins.
I’ve seen it suggested elsewhere that Evans may have been an intentional scapegoat but they gave him a 3 year contract so I don’t think so. I guess his radio show is really popular? so maybe they thought that would benefit the show.
Hi Kristen. Are you new or have I just not been paying attention? Welcome (or sorry) whichever fits :)
Sabine has potential though. I think she can grow into it and get more comfortable with the lines and so forth. I agree with the rest though. I think I like Reed the best as a host.
He’s really bad but I think you are right, no matter who it was they were going to get a lot of scrutiny. Will be very interesting to see who they blame next.
You do realize that we have BBC America here and our cable fees and commercials also generate income for the show right? No reason to get in a pissing match over what is obviously a joke.
Hideaway headlights were all the rage back in the day.
I’ll have 2 beers and a hotdog in his honor.
It wouldn’t be too far off the mark to think that the semi driver knew he didn’t have enough room to make it but there was plenty of room for the car to slow down if he would have been paying attention. either that or the semi driver didn’t see him. I’ve seen more than once situations like you describe below that a…
nope, the Tesla had the right of way. the semi truck pulled out in front of him. Semi trucks fault. The guy going straight (tesla) always has the right of way, the vehicle turning across traffic has to wait until it is clear to do so. Uncontrolled means no stop lights or stop signs.
Put on your motherfucking seat belt Marshawn!
since it’s had an engine swap done it wouldn’t be too far out there to assume there was an engine fire with the old one that was small enough to only affect the hood. The suspension chop removes any function this car might have had, so along with the swap makes this a crack pipe for me. This is someone else’s fast and…
Ford brought back the GT again, Acura the NSX, if GM was ever going to make the “Zora” happen, now is the time.
That one might also be the only one with a realistic shot of actually happening too. I think a financial disclosure stating what they think it will cost and the ability to spend it should have been required.