Aaron James

A car doesn't have to handle like a go-kart to be great to drive. These are great to drive for their comfort. Imagine driving around on your living room couch, pretty comfy...

They're cutting their losses on this one. If there was money to be made they would finish it and sell it complete. This is a nightmare and a never ending money pit.

Acura NSX, you just got out of a ferrari so a supercar that everyone says is a daily driver would be perfect.

It's all perspective. I remember in my teens and early 20's thinking how old people in their 30's and 40's looked. Now I look at someone who is early to mid 20's and they look like kids. We're just getting older.

Sweetest thing you could buy in 1989.

Certainly there is truth there, but most SUV drivers never use the Utility part and simply use them as their family people mover which a minivan is much better at (especially when it comes to fuel mileage). I'm a big fan of the modern GM fullsize SUVs, big, comfortable, nice to drive but if you only need the space to

99% of the time it has everything to do with "image" and nothing else. "we're going to be cool parents, not boring like our parents are" My ex wife's reason was "I want to be a cool mom, not a minivan mom"

Anything with a v8 and a manual transmission. If there are even gas engines produced in 100 years they certainly won't be powerful gas guzzling v8s.

People buy the pilot because as teenagers they swore to themselves they would never own a gross minivan like mom and dad have. It's a real shame because the minivan is the perfect family vehicle. My ex wife is like this, she refuses to drive a minivan so she has to have a gas guzzling SUV that's bigger on the

You know it's a real shame that the government has an agency to protect consumers from scummy criminal car dealerships. What is this country becoming that dealerships can no longer harass, take advantage of, and blatantly rip off it's customers.

Love the car (except the transmission of course) Hate the price. CP

I don't know what the rules are either but it's part of the job, I completely understand how frustrating it would be but if I had to do it to get paid I could put my big boy pants on and suffer through it once a week.

$100,000 a game will add up pretty quickly. That's why he spoke yesterday. Hoping to provide the minimum necessary top avoid that fine.

They look and feel great when you are in them, and are so comfortable. It's like traveling in your living room.

Go sit in a new Escalade, the cheap plastic 90's are long gone.

Drive a G63 for a week and you'll find out very fast just how wrong you are.

How about a little personal responsibility, You ruined it for yourself as anyone who pays attention would know that the internet will be talking about the race as it happens. The internet does not revolve around you and your schedule.

I didn't want to be too dramatic.

In high school I had a friend with an 80's Caprice, he took a vacuum line off the manifold and ran it into the cabin, when he wanted smoke he put the line in a bottle of transmission fluid and it would create billowing white exhaust smoke. Poor man's smoke screen.

I think it's going to be hard to convince people that strapping their kids to an underseat bomb is a good idea.