Aaron James

Hydrogen you say? What could possibly go wrong.

Pep Boys gave them a really great deal on those letters though....

thank you, I was just about to head over there.

it was sitting there just asking for it, I had to do it.

I used to have a ten speed, made my legs burn though.

I feel like we'll never see this here.

Where would you suggest?

I did not know that, I will definitely be looking into this.

What do you suggest as an alternative?

Two excellent charities for you to look into whose mission is to support Vets with the issues you mentioned.

Ok, yep. I do remember seeing videos of water coming in through the seams on these. Also a safety capsule floating in the water after a drag boat crash. Thanks for clearing it all up for me.

Maybe it's the drag boats then that have sealed cockpits? I saw a show on discovery or something that talked about the design of a safety capsule for boats like these. I'm certainly no expert, anything I say is always subject to revision with the actual truth.

It's a sealed cockpit so I'm sure it's so you can get enough oxygen during the race.

So very true, I've been over 140 on a motorcycle and over 165 in a car without breaking much of a sweat but riding in a 30 foot boat at over 100 MPH scared the shit out of me. Everybody should try it. Ok the motorcycle scared me a little I will admit but nothing like the boat.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing.

The perfect application is obviously a 300 HP skateboard.

Doug DeMuro: Why we can't have nice things.

Liability issues keep it from happening. If GM sold a 60's model Vette and someone wrecked it and died, they'd sue GM for selling them an unsafe car.

Hard to fit the kids in the back of a Corvette though. Also Most people that shop for new cars don't cross shop with a similar price used car. I agree with you 100 percent but the people buying the cars see it different than us.

If it was completely sorted and ready to go, maybe. The way it sits, CP