Aaron James

Unfortunately, because of the Police Union, it's very difficult to punish and nearly impossible to fire bad cops. Until something changes that allows departments to hold these cops accountable, things will never change.

The clear winner.

There can only be one winner and it is this:

VW beetles, lots of beetles.

There is no real craftsmanship here though. It's lazy and generic. Anyone who took Metal Shop in high school could build this. I've seen many beautifully crafted and well done custom cars, this isn't one of them.

They sell every single one they can make.

Oh where to even start, somebody's failed project with a motor they had laying around just put in to give the illusion that it runs and drives. No thank you. The original plan for this was grand and somewhere it all went wrong and ended up with a Chevette motor. No one here would actually spend their own hard

My favorites are the ones that state the reason for selling is "too many cars need to sell" and then at the bottom have "will trade for muscle car, full size truck or 1986 Lebaron convertible"

You can still buy one brand new for at or below MSRP at at least 15 or 20 Lexus dealers nationwide.

It's what people are buying. As long as people keep buying them up like hotcakes we'll only see more and more of them.

Yeah, Rick Hendrick is a pretty good dude.

That money went to charity, it's the Same reason Rick Hendrick also bought the first C7 for a million bucks. The value is in doing something good.

It was a great race. Johnny Sauter is just a whiny cry baby. He did the same exact thing that Peters did to him to Darrel Wallace Jr. to take the lead 15 laps earlier. Sauter was just mad that Darrel Wallace Jr. got the lead back and won the race.

I'd put it in some type of hotrod so it could be displayed in all it's glory.

Just check for a temperature with a rectal thermometer first. You're already down there anyway.

I love it and will never apologize for that.

The only way we would get these for our Air Force is if it was licensed to Boeing for them to build which may be why Boeing is getting involved in a support role so they'd be a shoe in if the US went that route.

I was looking at autotrader the other day looking at Alpina B7's and found several from Carmax like this gem here.

Guess they like the way dirt tastes. (I'll show myself out)

Are you suggesting we put the President of the United States on a commercial flight? That has got to be the worst idea I have ever heard in my life. I am no fan of Obama but he is the President of the United States and he must be protected.