
I do the same thing. I have a 2000 insight 5spd (84 mpg today!), 77 Porsche 911s project (POS lol but runs and drives reliably), and a nice 95 Audi S6 avant. A few snowmobiles. A sweet boat. Isn't too much time either.. but sometimes I consider selling everything and just wandering the earth for a year or two.

There's actually nothing crazy money about that setup. House in the country with some outbuildings? Cheap. Real estate is not desirable in the middle of nowhere. 240s? Cheap. $1500 cars or so. They build the cages from tubing. The wheels aren't even nice. I doubt they're running great coilovers, or mint ones.

I think I can win this one, easy. This is NOT made up, and 100% true. There was even a small story written about it in our local paper. Behold... the story of the "Puke Bus".

That's $100,000 a year. That's a lot of money.

You must not drive much. My insight saves me over $100 a month. Easily. On road trips, it saves even more. I drove from Madison WI to Denver CO AND BACK, for under $150. It's total insanity. Bonus points if you drive anywhere for work and get reimbursed for mileage, hello $$$$$$$.

I have 60hp. I cannot maintain the same speed going up hills that most cars can. Deal with it, that's what a passing lane is for.

Also, I average 70mpg at about 65-70mph.

Good luck with that, they're all gone, friend. They're all riced out things that should be destroyed, or rusted out hulks that make you look like you live in a trailer park. Plus, if you even COULD find a clean one, would you drive it in winter? I wouldn't. I <3 my insight, I guess if you have a big dick you

I have one. I love it. It won't ever rust, ever, and it saves me ridiclous amounts of money that I can spend on fuel for my other toys, or go fast parts. If you commute at all, it's fantastic, and surprisingly really fun to drive. I enjoy driving mine just as much as I enjoy driving my vintage 911, for different

True, that one might be an exception.

Also, I'd add the Bugatti is not even the same kind of car as the other's mentioned. They're all expensive cars with a lot of power, but the bugatti is so refined. The others are street legal race cars.

That is total horseshit.

These cars are such giant pieces of shit. Why anybody still buys a Range Rover brand new is beyond me, they're so unreliable the resale value drops faster than drunken 18 year old wearing stilletos.


Me too. I grew up tunnel hull racing and hydroplanes and runabouts. So much fun. Offshore racing is for ultra rich people, and really, fuck them.

Not true. I had an outstanding warrent in Colorado for speeding, and after 3 years it went away completely. I never paid it either.

I once told a cop (after getting a speeding ticket for 11 over, RIGHT NEXT TO THE INCREASE IN HTE SPEED LIMIT) their 12 yr old versions of themselves would be incredibly depressed to find out they grow up to become a glorified tax collector that doesn't improve the world, instead just generates money for a local

This is what happenes when lazy cops are there just to generate revenue, not make anything safer.

Patrick, this has a lot of responses so you might not see this, but next time just GTFO and don't go back to that state. I got nailed going 95 in a 55 in Colorado. The fines were $450. I just went back to Wisconsin and ignored it. It goes away after a few years.