Yeah, this was the highlight of the Rampage stuff for sure!
Yeah, this was the highlight of the Rampage stuff for sure!
They already did an episode referencing miatas:
Girlfriend. :P
If you guys are ever in Madison, WI, you can definitely drive it yourself!
It's a 1978 Sleekcraft Aristocrat. I did all the work myself, and even got featured on build threads:
If they don't want to be passed they need to pull over. I hate plows. They spread salt and they're annoying to pass.
I do this on purpose, it's kind of fun.
Pulling out in front of someone on a snowy road. Easy.
I took advantage of you 1 week before the accident. Muahhahaa.
Half the car is plastic so no paint would probably look dumb.
2000. 5spd. $3000 because I am cheap. I save about 2k a year in fuel bills!
I get 40mpg in my insight right now due to short trips and cold weather. In the summer I get 50-60mpg. One time I got 71mpg!
It's 6 grand.
I find most of the new versions grossly overstyled and vulgar. They will not age as well as their simpler predecessors. This is why the Audi TT (original) will always look timeless... the original 911 will always be a classic... and the mkIV VW Golf will always look fresh. Over styling things makes the design…
BMW is my roommates. I have a stanced VW and a 1g Honda insight 5spd too. And I ALWAYS use my blinkers, even in parking lots. I've even called in cops for not using them. I see SUVs and trucks not using blinkers more often than cars.
I know this as well, but it happened. I'm a decent driver, maybe the other guy wasn't? Either way, the point is the car would regularly lay down the hurt on hondas in street racing.
Same thought here. Crazy how it's true for almost every model of everything. NEW IS GREAT! A few years later that same car is crap, and the new one is so much better.