
Nope. Most owners were flat out morons. That was one of the reasons I sold mine. The interiors were utter garbage. That was the other reason I sold mine.

No, I mean 1st generation neon with a 5spd. Curb weight of 2400-2600lbs, 150hp, 150 ft/lbs. It was a great performer in the 90s, still is. The interior is garbage.. but I've personally beaten integra GSRs, an auto M3, all sorts of expensive crap. And in autocross, it was a marvel. I believe the 1998 solo

Been there 3 times. It says 11.5 hours according to google maps, which is easily 15 hours once you factor in fuel stops, food, traffic, etc. I've done it in 12 hours before, but that's still not exactly a weekend trip. My point was that the state is okay... but it's surrounded by flat shit that nobody wants to

Apparently you didn't autocross much in the 90s. The winning cars were almost always neons or miatas. Saying anything otherwise is just proving that you're ignorant. I was there.

Only a little shitbox faster than most hondas and handles as well as a miata. Neons are shitty cars, but great performers. That said, it was probably an automatic so who cares.

I know the roads of which you speak. They're fun enough. Nothing compared to highway 14 in Colorado though. I'm jaded. I fucking hate it here.

Yup. I'm not rich. Just a gear head that likes eccentric fast old shit that I maintain myself. I'd be so much cooler if I sold it all and bought some new fast thing that I couldn't service myself and was depreciating. Instead all my shit is APPRECIATING, how terrible.

This is a truck I can get behind.

Makes me feel like stabbing somebody!

Wisconsin. A great state surrounded by a 15-20 hour driving radius of boring flat shit.

Yeah. Want to see something really weird try driving a car that was basically never designed for these temperatures during this cold spell. I have a 2000 Honda Insight 5 spd, one of hte first hybrids... and it's all sorts of retarded in these temperatures. In the past few weeks, my hybrid battery has been awful, so

Actually not impressive at all. Mileage or year of vehicle has nothing to do with whether or not it will start, and everything to do with how new/in shape your battery is. I could have a 1970s Opel with 800,000 miles and carbs, but if it had a fresh battery, it should start fine even in -20.

How does that explain it? I'm confused. Nothing about your clutch uses any of the fluids mentioned above... so... how was it explained?



You mean surge.

Nope. But you are the 1%, friend!

Now playing

Won't get stuck. Quattro. And will actually go around a corner unlike your shitty vehicle with suspension from the 1940s.

K, again. Count how many SUVs you pass on your way to work. Now count the number of Mustangs, 911s, etc. Your argument is invalid.

When I see unused lambos sitting around puttering in traffic all the time, I'll let you know. But until that happens, my point still stands.