
Sorry. I will, because all of them drive like fucking asshats and refuse to move over for faster traffic, refuse to use turn signals, refuse to check blindspots...just..fuck them fuck them fuck them. Lowest common denominators drive the biggest possible vehicles as some fucked up way of proving that they exist in

While I admit your comment is funny, it is not true. Seriously go take a drive in the suburbs and notice all the trucks and SUVs that never tow anything, and never go offroad. It's pathetic.

Same camp. People driving something they don't need that wastes gas, is slow, doesn't handle well, you can't see around them, yet the fuckers feel entitled to cruise in the fast lane, flat out refuse to move over for faster traffic because of their aforementioned inferiority complexes. They're also more dangerous,

Trucks are lame and are more often driven by someone with a small penis instead of somebody who actually needs a truck.

I still miss mine. I owned it for 7 years before I bailed due to rust problems.

You should want one. They have S2000 steering wheels, great bolstered seats, a short throw shifter... thing is FUN in corners, and the extremely low power makes driving a very involved process. I love mine.


Wow. That looks great!

This wins hands down.

Yeah you'd think so. Avg income is only 55k a year tho for a mid level designer. Then factor in $5oo+ a month for student loans of an art school = paycheck to paycheck.

Dang. Porn is always where the money is. Stupid industrial design degree.

How do you make lots of money at 23? I don't get it.

How does one afford to go on a cross country race when you're 23?

Something will happen. It always does. About 5 of my friends have owned B5s now. I warn all of them, and none of them listen. For a few months, they think it's awesome. Then the problems start. None of them keep them. Absolute nightmares.

AUDI! Get rid of the fucking automatic transmission already! And who cares about the V8 nobody can afford, put the TT-RS 5 cylinder in it again! Christ!

You're blind. They both have four wheels, are both red. The end.

How awesome would it have been if he fell and impaled the knife through his throat on that guys windshield? LOL!

It's a niche vehicle catered to enthusiasts.

lol. That is kind of funny. If I was conscious I would probably talk to him, just to reward the effort.

Never let you drive my car.