
Yeah, I like them a lot. If I didn't already have a classic 911 project, I'd definitely consider a corvair. Good combo of old car style with nice performance/handling/mpg. They look great too!

double post


Gotta say, not a jag fan... at all.. but this? YES PLEASE!

Here too:

In case it hasn't been posted yet:

Neat! My 911 is swing axle, and I haven't died yet so the first gens cant be that bad either.

I always thought that was more of a warmed over restyling than a true second generation. Am I wrong?

LOL. Whatever loser. That's not what I said, but your defense of Anime is hilarious. I bet you get all the ladies.

They're fucking clueless.

No manual, no care.

I would have liked to have seen a second gen corvair.... still smaller, euro styling, still air cooled, just more refined with some problems fixed. It probably would have been awesome.

I wrote 1500 years out of memory, but it was in 800 AD that arabs made their last real contribution to humanity. Sorry for being off a few hundred years, but does it really diminish my point that they've done nothing to contribute to the modern world in over 1000 years? That isn't biggotry or racism, that is just

Really? Please elaborate and cite sources that prove Arabs contributed to either field in ohhh i dunno, the last 1000 years. Everyone loves to cite that they created algebra, COOL! That was 1200+ years ago. So again, please prove me wrong.

I think it's better looking than the E30 or anything after it.

Here is a very nice E30 sedan for $1000. Has autotragic tho:

How about any GC chassis US spec 2.5 RS? People want 5-8k for a weak 160hp awd econobox... I don't get it. For that price you could have a pretty nice UrS4/S6 that would mop the floor with it, and have a better interior.

Those window vent make your car look like you shop at pep boys for auto parts and live in the ghetto.

dang your gas cap is a different color! If I was a high school chick I'd be all up in your pants.