
There is something wrong with America if the only people who can afford to buy a hot hatch make in excess of $125k. This just reaffirms my belief that only rich people buy new cars; the other 80% of us just buy their used shit.

Dude, shut the fuck up. Go to an art school for a while and you'll rapidly come to the point where you see all of the people obsessed with anime as no talent ass clowns.


Not really sure how the guy who got hit in the first place is an asshole. The other driver is clearly trying to get away.

Okay, prove me wrong. What have arabs done for humanity in the past 1500 years? Made some huge advances in science? Medicine? Manufacturing? Technology? Art? Music? Anything? Oh yeah, nothing. But they get all the supercars. Cool.

I don't give a shit. Arabs suck. They did nothing for humanity in the past few thousand years except kill each other, and get rich from sitting on oil fields... now they have/neglect most of the world's supercars. It's bullshit.

The only transportation Arabs ever knew anything about:

Totally. Giant eyes, annoying female voices, shitty animation, it's timeless.

But this was hosted on DeviantArt, for some fucking reason. If they wanted real designers they should have gone to Core77.

What do you expect from a NON designer?

I joined when it was actually about art. Too bad all the fucking anime losers hijacked the whole thing.

So wait. If a girl is drunk, and she says yes, you guys consider that raped? I mean, you keep using that word... But if they were conscious and seriously said yes, you consider that rape? If so, I have been raped hundreds of times.

This is a plexiglass roof. On a car without A/C. Reading about how hot this thing got was hilarious.

They won't. Cops will just get paid vacations til people forget about this entire thing in a few weeks. Personally? I'd sneak up on these assholes, tie them down, then rape them. No exchanging money, just violate the fuck out of them against their will.

When I was growing up car headlights were pretty boring. They were blocky ovals or rectangles, all made out of the same chunky clear plastic. Now car designers get to play with some of the weirdest headlight shapes since the 1960s, and the new Lexus RC shows that perfectly.

NO it isn't. It's fucking terrible. It's so terrible they had to make a fast GTR version in hopes on convincing the sheeple that it's somehow less horrible, because there is a fast version somewhere. It is an awful design.

But why grind? Why? I have a modded AK, I can hold my own in deathmatch. What value will you have when you get 300k? For racing... I'm pretty good; I was pretty good in GTAIV too. The trick is there is no trick. It's similar to real racing. Take corners as wide as possible to maximize your speed; try to feel

Okay Snobby McSnobenstein.

Hrm. Yeah... it's a piece of crap. I'll take it off your hands for tree fitty.

Trevor was supposed to be the one who was killed. Micheal planned it.